CH. 7 How to Seduce a Teacher?

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Haha I couldn't even breathe! Ashley was way too funny! Seriously, I even felt a slight pain in my stomach from all the laughter! It was unbelievable how Ashley took a nude photo of this guy she slept with then showed it to the guy's own girlfriend. Ashley was describing the girlfriend's reaction to it.

"You should have seen her face!" Ashley was dieing of laughter as well. She threw her head back with her eyes shut closed, unable to resist laughing.

I tried contolling myself, "Did she get furious?" tears were starting to stroll down from my eyes. Damn, I was laughing so hard. I carefully tapped under my eyes with my palms to stop the joyful tears so my make-up wouldn't be ruined.

"Of course!" Ashley's response made it seem like it was a stupid question, which it was. "She cursed me out but didn't lay a hand on me," she continued laughing.

"All this happened yesterday?" I asked while finally calming down.

"Yup," she seemed so proud of herself.

"Why didn't you call me? I hella wanted to see that!" dang it, it would've been great to see something like that.

"I tried calling you but you didn't answer your phone," she replied in a bored tone, almost as if saying oh-well.

"Fuck," it automatically blurted out of my mouth. "I was meeting Kelly's cousin," I expalined.

"Is he hot?" Ashley stepped in closer and seemed intrigued.

"You won't even imagine how sexy he is!" I shook my head slowly as I pictured Sebastian. As I thought about his fascinating eyes and charming smile. "He starts school tomorrow," I let her know.

"Can't wait to meet him," Ashley had a huge grin on her face. "Oh, I need your help with something," her grin disappeared.

Here she went, already asking me for my help. Well, I did agree to be her mentor so I guess it was what I was supposed to do.

"What is it?" I asked as I crossed my arms, showing her that I wasn't too happy about it.

She bit her lower lip as she wandered her eyes away from me. 'Is she going to tell me or what?' I wondered. It was irritating me. Couldn't she just get to the point? I glared at her so that she would get the hint and speak already.

"My English teacher is failing me," she wasn't quite telling me where she wanted to get at.

"And?" I motioned my hand for her to continue.

"I was thinking of a way to pass," she nervously played with her hair. I was able to tell that she felt uneased with what she was trying to tell me. Once aagin I motioned my hand for her to continue. I was now curious to know what she had in mind. "I need you to teach me how to... um," she paused. 'She needs me to teach her what? Teach her proper English?' I thought. "To teach me how to... seduce a teacher," she was finally able to say it. My mouth dropped when I heard those words come out of her mouth, Wow, I never thought that Ashley would've been able to come up with something like that.

"Are you crazy!" I exclaimed. Sure I did things I wasn't exactly proud of but this drew the line. Especially for Ashley! She was only a freshman!

"I'm desperate!" she pointed out the obvious.

"Uh yeah, I know," duh, I didn't need her telling me that. Before continuing on telling her that it was a horrible idea, I stopped and thought about it. Did she have any other way out? Could she fix her problem with a different solution? Maybe that was the only solution. Wait, I still didn't think it was worth seducing a teacher just to pass a class. That was just low. "Are you sure you can't pass the class without having to do that?" I asked her.

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