CH. 4 My New Friend

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Giving that I didn't sleep well the night before, I was in a horrible mood. It seemed like it was going to be a bad day since the moment I opened my eyes that morning. To make things even worse, I had a huge headache. Ugh! The pain was too much! Last thing I wanted was to see Kelly who probably was going to be in a great mood, being her perky self. Her squeaky high pitched voice was going to finish me up.

As I walked down a student-free hallway, I over heard two people arguing. I wasn't usually the type of person to eavesdrop but it seemed interesting enough. I know what you're thinking, why did I want to hear people arguing if I had a headache? Well... in a way it was going to distract me from it.

"How could you do this to me?!" I heard the guy yell at a curly hair girl whose back was facing me.

"Well I got bored of you," the girl simply replied. 'Hmm, honest' I thought. I hid around the corner while peeking out at them. Just enough in where they couldn't see me.

"That doesn't give you the right to cheat on me with my best friend!" the guy shouted with his eyes filled with anger.

"Alright, it was wrong," the girl looked looked away from him. "I should have done it with someone else," she looked back at him, probably with a smirk on her face. Haha wow! This girl had guts!

"You're fuckin' unbelievable, Ashley!" The guys' face was red as a tomato.

"I know, that's was your friend said," that Ashley girl said in a chuckle. Fuck, I wanted the girl to turn around for me to see who she was. She seemed cool.

"Fuck you!" with that said the guy stormed out of the hallway. I bet he was glad no one was around... well other than me to witness that.

The girl stood there with her arms crossed as she threw her head back and laughed hysterically. She seemed so chilled about the situation. Alright, I just had to know who she was.

"Hey," I called out behind her as I made my way completely around the corner.

She was startled by me, "Uh, hey?" she seemed confused as she turned around to look at me.

"That was bitchy of you," I narrowed my eyes to where the guy had stormed out of.

"Yeah so?" Ashley became defensive as she continued with her arms crossed.

"Nothing, I thought it was cool," I said without seeming to amazed.

"Really?" she slowly began to bring her amrs down.

"Yeah, you have attitude," I assured her. A smile appeared on her face. Now that I was able to see her face, I was able to tell she was younger. Maybe a freshman. "Are you a freshman?" I wanted to make sure.

"Yup," she replied, poping the 'p'. 'Hmm, maybe I can take her under my wing' I thought to myself. This girl was striaght forward. If she wanted she would have gotten far. With the right person to look up to. I was just the perfect person for her to follow.

"You might be lucky enough," I said as I took a good look at her. Just to make sure she was worth my time. I didn't want to be babysitting either. 'She could be my little project' I thought.

"Good enough for what?" she raised her eyebrows, not having any idea of what I was talking about.

"To be friends with me," I said in a duh tone of voice.

"What makes you think I want to be friends with you?" she got defensive again as she crossed her arms. Her posture with attitude as she extended one leg a bit. I loved that she had attitude and that she wasn't afraid to talk to me like that. Even though I was a senior and she was only a freshman.

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