Chapter 3 - Cracks of the Fall

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Ezra grasped the bronze knob and turned. The smell of antiseptic stung her nose as she walked into the infirmary. Beds crowded more than half of the building. Some were occupied by sleeping patients.

It was barely sunrise. She didn’t even know if the healer was awake at this hour. She would just have to wait, she decided.

Her feet carried her over to the wooden desk attached to the wall. It ran the length of the whole wall with many drawers holding who knows what. Her hands hovered over one of the many jars of herbs sitting on top of the desk. A strange purplish goo resided in it, a white label attached to it.


“I wouldn’t touch that. Unless you want to die.” A voice sounded behind her. What was it with people sneaking up on her?

“If I wanted to?” Ezra asked, turning around to face the Healer, Jamie.

“I wouldn’t exactly stop you.” Jamie declared.

“Thought you were supposed to be a healer?”

“A healer not a shrink.” Ezra chuckled.

“Fair enough.” A long pause passed between them.

“Why are you here Ezra?” Ezra had been here so many times in the past it wasn’t even funny.

“To see you, of course.”

“You got injured again didn’t you?”

“Yeah…” Ezra sighed. Ever since her first fatal injury she had come here and met Jamie. They weren’t exactly friends. Not really. Just another bargain. She hunted for Jamie’s family and Jamie healed her injuries. Fair deal.  

“Come on.” Jamie waved her hand towards the back of the infirmary where a dark hallway lay. The same dark hallway Ezra walked down every time she was here. There were only five doors. All for more sick, infectious patients.

And for keeping secrets. 

They entered the last door. It was the same as the front of the infirmary. A bed on one side and a desk on the other. Simple.

“Sit down.” Ezra followed as instructed. “What got you this time?” Jamie asked, while she searched through the bottom draws of the desk and pulled out a pair of thin gloves.

“Scorcher bite.” Just the sound of the name made her back burn.


“Yeah again.” Ezra sighed. “They’re getting more… bold. More dangerous.” Her mind flash backed to the statue like Scorcher. “The one that caught me was huge. Almost the size of a house. It wasn’t even that far from the wall.” Ezra tried to hide the tremor in her voice.

“You think something is happening?” Jamie asked, lifting up Ezra’s shirt from the back searching for the wound. An audible gasp came from Jamie. “You weren’t kidding.” Jamie whispered as she traced the burns. The Scorcher was larger than average and its teeth weren't an exception.

“I don’t know…” Ezra didn’t. Not really. She can’t make an assumption on that just because she saw a mammoth of a Scorcher. A Scorcher that hunted right near the wall. A warning of its own.

What about the deer? The Meadow? So many strange things had happened in only one trip. One hunt. She didn’t want to think of its outcome.

If she were to go to the king? They wouldn’t believe her. Mortals liked to shroud themselves in false security. A false security that dooms them all.

Suddenly, a cool feeling wrapped around her. A waterfall of freezing cool rushed down her back. Slowly she felt her back knit back together. Muscle weaving, skin stitching. The fiery tinge of her burns slowly vanished. Ezra released a sigh of relief. 

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