Coming Out to them

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He would be so thankful that you decided to come out to him. He would help with all the things you need. Need a binder? He got you. Need dysphoria comfort? He got you. He will literally be there for you no matter what.
"Aww M/n, i'm so glad you told me this! "

I don't know why but i feel like he'd wouldn't know what to say. He'd be thankful but like he wouldn't really know how to like help you with the things you need. You'd have to explain dysphoria to him.
"Ah! Don't worry! I'll support you but.. what do you need again?"

This man literally has a trans friend already. You come out to him and he will automatically get used to calling you your preferred name and pronouns. I also can picture him cussing out people that misgender you on purpose. Is it just me? Yes? Okay-

Now, this bitch would probably be confused and ask you to repeat yourself. I don't know why but i feel like he would just say "cool." and leave it be. You'd have to remind him a lot to call you by your preferred name and pronouns though. He'll get used to it eventually

She is a transgender female so just like Chishiya, She would automatically start to call you by your preferred name and pronouns. (thats fucking short but i'm also fucking tired- it's 00:45 rn)

Alice in borderland imagines (trans ftm reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin