16. i wanna be yours

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Late at night. Past curfew. The clock had already struck eleven and I hadn't checked the time since then.

The astronomy tower stood out so perfectly to me that time of night that it felt wrong of me to be sitting alone in my dorm, lying in silence, attempting to sleep but not getting anywhere close to it.

Without a word or a noise, I stood up from my bed, sliding into a pair of extremely dark, purple plaid pyjama bottoms along with my black vest-top that I was already wearing.

I slid on my worn-out, dirty, black converse which I wore almost all of the time when I wasn't in my robes.

Lenora hadn't returned to our dorm that night, quite clearly meaning she returned to Draco's dorm instead.

Only a quiet creak and the sound of a door locking was heard as I exited the room. I made sure to be quiet as I trailed down to the common room, not wanting to wake any frost year snitches, but I didn't care enough to tiptoe.

A sigh of relief exited my body as I stepped into the dimly-lit dungeons. I used to be afraid of the dark, but then I found comfort in it.

My thoughts were no longer damaging my mind, they were now quiet. It was peaceful. It was silent. It was relieving.

My involuntarily heavy footsteps were all that I could hear in the silent depths of the hogwarts grounds. The corridors were deserted. The wind was calm. The rain had stopped. The temperature had landed at the perfect degree.

I turned round all of the corners hoping there was no professor coming my way. All was peaceful in the halls of hogwarts. It felt nice, for a change. I felt like I was home.

Then, there was someone. Someone who I least expected to find out roaming these corridors at these hours of the night, but it made sense, he just wasn't one I thought I'd bump into that night.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out in the halls past curfew?" The deep, english voice I knew very well was approaching me. I could hear his light footsteps as they got closer and closer.

I turned around to see him as he neared towards me, his hands in his pockets. A small smile worn on his lips. "I could ask you the same thing."

"Well, I'd like to think you won't ever refer to me as a pretty girl." Theo joked, a laugh escaping his soft, pink lips.

"As you wish, pretty boy." I smiled up at him and his smile grew even bigger as his eyes met mine.

His warm, blue eyes stared down at me, never leaving my gaze. He ran his tongue along his inner-cheek as a smirky smile was still with on his handsome face. "Where are you off to?" Theo asked me after a few seconds.

"The astronomy tower." My voice came out softer than I had expected, quieter as well. "Do you wanna join me?"

"Only if I'm wanted." He said, his smile faded a little bit as he did.

"You're always wanted," We were now extremely close, his hands had smoothly made their way up to my waist as his lean body towered over me. "Pretty girl." I added on at the end with a smile. His smile grew once again after I had said that, his eyes lightening up as I moved my hand to his wrist which held my waist before pulling him along with me to the astronomy tower. He intertwined his long fingers with mine as we were walking.

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