41. girlfriend

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Florence strolled through the merely empty corridors of Hogwarts, finding her known way to the defence against the dark arts classroom, her next lesson.

She'd been seeing less of Theo, and Draco, as the days had worn on. They were both practically isolating themselves from the world around them and any connections to it, focusing purely on the task they had been set by The Dark Lord.

They weren't finished with the vanishing cabinet that was in the room of requirements, something that Florence had never been told of before. Of course, she knew full well what a vanishing cabinet was. But one thing she did not know was that Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott were being forced to fix the specific one in the room of requirements in order to aid them and their fellow Death Eaters in the mission they had been appointed.

The mission to once and for all take out Dumbledore.

A heavy book needed for defence against the dark arts dropped down onto the wooden table with a thud as Florence arrived at her desk, which, for then only, only sat her. She slouched forward on the bench and rested both her arms on the closed book on her desk, resting her head sideways on her folded arms as she leant even more forward, already bored of the class that hadn't even properly started and way too eager to get it over with already and head to lunch, even though she wasn't feeling the slightest bit hungry. She was just sick and tired of school by then, but who's to care, since school only had a month or so left before the summer holidays began and the students were whisked away for over two months before they returned to Hogwarts for the next year. The next year for Florence and the rest of the year was going to be the hardest. It was going to be their last year ever at Hogwarts, as students at least.

Florence's eyes were slowly drifted closed so when she heard the sound of someone sitting down next to her and placing their book on the table, no shuffling done, her weary eyes immediately snapped back open. When she saw who had accompanied her on the desk, she had snapped out of her dozy state and was more awake than ever.

Theo didn't even look her way as he flipped open the first few pages of the required book every student in that room obtained, landing on the page that Professor Snape had written down on the blackboard as an instruction to do so. Theo looked even more shaken as usual, and Florence took the short amount of time before the lesson was properly in full swing to take in his handsome appearance.

His hair was messy, as always, so that wasn't a surprise at all. His eyes were fairly droopy, and had a faint tint of red in them, either he had gotten high or he had been crying, either one would've been believable in his current state, but only one was true. His tie hung loosely around his slightly veiny neck, which, unusually for Theo, lacked of any marks whatsoever.

He was wearing his robes that day, and he had been more and more recently, ever since he was gifted with the Dark Mark on his forearm, he didn't want the possibility of anyone other than the people who were already bound to know, including Florence as she had been the first person he went to after becoming a Death Eater, of ever finding out about his dark secret.

Then, lays but not least, her suddenly lively and awakened eyes landed on his hands, with bruised, red knuckles, only on one though. He'd punched a wall.

•─────⋅ ⋅─────

Two days or so later, on a rainy April day, after dinner in the Great Hall, Florence decided she would go and see her dear friend, Blaise. Who she so happened to have not spoken to that day and wanted to check up on, even though he had seemed perfectly fine any time she'd caught a glance of him. But, Lenora was out with Dean, as they were now officially dating, so Florence was normally alone. She had nothing else better to do, and seeing Blaise was the first thing that came to mind when she thought of what to do whilst her best friend was off in Hogsmeade on a little afternoon date with her newly found... Gryffindor lover?

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