42. a little more .

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sorry this took SO long to come out, it honestly took me so long to write even though it's quite short but yk it's here now and i gave y'all a lil sum to make up for the tardiness..
i don't think i've ever used that word ever before anyways

warning: ..



The blazing fire crackled in the Slytherin common room, heating up the cold, gloomy dungeons for the students who called them their home. First years hunched on the round table, effortlessly studying for charms and transfiguration. Two fourth year girls gossiped about one of them having a new girlfriend. Three seventh years were busy studying away for their end of year exams at Hogwarts, all eager to get a pass, at least, or even better, the highest grade their is to get.

But the three who were really important to this very storyline, sat on the black, leather sofas by the fire, gaining the most heat as they were the closest. Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy.

Blaise cackled at some snarky comment Theo had just made against Draco to do with his 'excessive use of hair gel in their first two years' as Draco scowled, crossing his arms in a huff over his chest and turning his gaze to look at anyone or anything but his two best friends who sat with him in the warmth of the fire, keeping him company.

"No, dude, his father probably confiscated it away from him," Blaise joked, shortly realising after that he had mentioned Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, looking Draco's way but, to his surprise, Draco didn't seem at all fazed as he was before the comment was made, as if he hadn't even noticed.

"Not once have I seen Potter with any hair gel, maybe he tried to be like him, seen as he's practically been in love with him for the past six years," Theo commented, earning a highly disgusted face from his platinum blond best friend who sat with Blaise on the sofa across from him, his fair, covered, arms still folded tightly over his chest as he glared at the curly-haired brunette.

"What in Salazaar's name are you waffling on about, Nott?" Draco spurred, immediately feeling defensive over what Theo had just said.

Blaise chuckled to himself as he witnessed the short encounter between his two best friends, his eyes darting back and fourth between the two's faces, Draco's becoming more violated every second.

"Alright, alright," Blaise tried to diffuse the one-sided tension, leaning forward on the sofa and resting his arms on his knees. "How about we change the topic of conversation," A small smirk drew on his face as Florence entered the common room alone, making her way over to her dorm after studying in the library with Lenora and Dean, which she was exceedingly glad to get away from.

Her mind was preoccupied but her eyes weren't as they traveled over to the sofas and saw her three friends sitting, engaged in some sort of conversation. Her eyes almost immediately locked with Theo's, who had already been looking at her ever since her first few steps in the common room. Theo's lips parted as their eyes met and he watched her still walk in the direction of the girls dormitories, not stopping to change her course of direction once to go and see them.

Much to Theo's dislike, but soon to be to his liking, Florence disappeared into the girls dormitories and headed up to her own. Theo didn't even try to make himself not seem obvious about his doings to his friends, only one having noticed the tense, silent encounter between him and Florence before his arms fell from resting on the back of the sofa to beside him and he pushed himself up, "Excuse me," He excused himself quietly, only to be heard by the other to Slytherin boys who had been sitting on the sofa opposite him.

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