28. poison ivy

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Ivy and Florence hadn't talked at all since the start of their sixth year. Not once was a word spoken from one to the other, and not once had one of them reached out to the other. Florence thought Ivy didn't like her anymore, ever since she began dating Isaac Whitlock, a dark-haired gryffindor from the year above. Ivy didn't speak to Florence anymore because she thought she didn't like her as of her getting a boyfriend but both of their thoughts were the complete opposite of what the other felt.

It was quite cloudy outside as students passed through the halls, eager to get back to their own thing after a tiring day of lessons. Florence was making her way back to the slytherin common room and was hoping she'd see Theo because they hadn't talked much at all that day. But as Florence turned the corner, she heard her name being called. "Flo!" The familiar voice of Ivy Harlestone could be heard throughout the hallway. Florence turned around and walked back round the corner of the corridor to see Ivy walking towards her, a small smile on her face. "Hey,"

"Hi, are you okay?" Florence asked, stopping in her steps as Ivy approached her. Ivy's loose, red curls were fairly messy that day and the rain earlier that day didn't help with the frizziness that occurred already for her. 

"Yeah, are you?" Florence nodded in response to Ivy's question and tucked a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear, "Do you wanna hang out? Like, now?"

Florence never thought she'd hear that question from Ivy again for the rest of her life, but she was proved long. A part of Florence was hurt by the question, as much as she wanted Ivy back in her life and as much as she wanted to be friends with her again, and she wanted that exceedingly bad, she didn't want to let her in again. When they 'stopped being friends', Florence though everything happened for a reason, and the end of their friendship had a meaning and that meaning was that they both needed to let go. But she knew she'd love her till the day she died.

"Yeah, sure. Where?" Florence replied. She was trying to pretend nothing ever happened between the two of them and they had always been friends, no breaks included. But it was harder than she initially thought.

"Library? Like we used to?" Ivy mentioning this practically gave Florence flashbacks of when they used to visit the invisibility section and sit in the same two chairs that were placed near the end of one of the aisles. The last time they had been there was when they were 15, in their fifth year at hogwarts, before Ivy began dating Isaac. Florence had only met Isaac a couple of times and the times were that awkward that she wouldn't even consider them as friends. He was a very nice boy though, with good grades and he made Ivy happy, which was all that mattered, so Florence liked him for that, at least.

"Okay," Florence agreed and they both made their way down to the library.

"I like your hair," Ivy commented on Florence's hair that had changed only slightly over the summer the year before but it was noticeable.

"Thank you," Florence thanked the redhead as they approached the library before breaking the silence which others would name as awkward as they entered the library, "How's Issac?"

Ivy took a second or two to answer as they navigated their favourite spot in the invisibility section, "He's fine. I, um... I'm kinda not a virgin anymore, either," Her voice went quieter as she spoke.

"Oh my god, when did that happen?" Florence smiled, excitement present in her british voice. Ivy sat down on one of the chairs opposite the other as Florence sat down on the other one, straddling it as she faced Ivy who was also sat to face her, both sitting the opposite way as one would normally sit on a chair.

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