27. caught in the rain

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All of the students, from all houses, piled back into hogwarts after the second quidditch match of the season between ravenclaw and gryffindor in which the gryffindors had won.

Over near the castle walked the slytherins, Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Florence, Lenora and Adrian. Blaise was walking in between Florence, who on her right had Theo, and Draco, who on his left had Lenora, she was walking next to Adrian. Draco and Adrian were laughing about something Adrian had said, but you could tell from the tone of Draco's laugh he didn't actually find it funny. Lenora looked pretty uncomfortable as well as she was walking in between her two exes who she broke up with.

"Hey, you two, I've been meaning to ask," Blaise started and the looks on Theo's and Florence's faces weren't ones one would wear if they were completely innocent, they knew something was going to be said about the two of them, "Where were you last night? Lenora cut you off before you could answer me,"

Florence glanced up at Theo who was looking at Blaise, trying to explain why they had gone off to Hogsmeade alone and at night. "We went to Hogsmeade," The answer to Florence shocked her, she didn't expect him to actually answer with the truth of where they had been past curfew.

"Hogsmeade?" Blaise laughed at the answer and his eyes darted between the two slytherins he was talking to, "What were you doing there?"

Theo didn't feel like he had to hide anything from Blaise anymore, and secretly, neither did Florence, he basically knew about them already despite them not telling him a may thing. He was extremely smart and he noticed the little things that the others didn't.

"We wanted some time alone, it was my idea," Theo stated, looking down at Florence who still looked shocked from his answer, her lips parted and her eyebrows raised fairly high.

"So I was right?" Blaise asked, a mischievous grin formed onto his face, "You like each other."

"Shut up, Blaise." Theo smiled as he looked away from his best friend and faced the castle where they were headed.

"Have you fucked?" Blaise whispered to Florence, teasingly, earning a shocked glare from her.

"Blaise!" She exclaimed, her eyes flickering to the other three walking with them who were not as such involved in their conversation.

They reached the castle and a few steps before they got to the entrance, the clouds thundered and immediately rain began pouring all across the highlands, hitting the ground with force as it poured heavily from the sky. "Shit." Draco muttered, rushing inside the castle, followed by Lenora, Blaise and Adrian. Florence didn't mind the rain, she wasn't bothered at all to rush to get inside the warmth and dryness of hogwarts castle. In fact, she loved the rain. It was so comforting for her, especially when it was pouring down that heavy.

Theo knew that about her, he knew she loved the rain more than she loved anything else she'd ever encountered, maybe not as much as she loved him, though. Her love for him was unbeatable.

Just as Florence was about to step foot into the safety of the castle, two large hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her backwards, sending butterflies wild in her stomach as the arms belonged to Theodore Nott. He spun her around to face him as the rain soaked all of their clothes and hair, leaving them already drenched as they looked at one another, their vision blurred by the water.

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