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POV: As a few readers have probably noticed, every chapter so far has been named after a song. I've decided to keep this theme going, and each chapter will be named after a particular song that helped shape the chapter. This chapter is based on the Paramore song Forgiveness. Enjoy.

Mayrogers_ xx

Rogers' POV
There are moments in your life, when everything, including time, seems to stand still. You know that the moment will break, that in reality you've only been stood there, breathless, for a few seconds at the most, but the slow motion at which other people, other objects, speed around you, convinces you differently. It's almost as though something otherworldly has taken over your body, given you the ability to think, feel and see so much faster. In those few milliseconds, a few million thoughts swirl around your head, you notice a million small details in the crowded room you're in, more than should be humanly possible for the eye to uncover in half a second.

That was how it had felt the moment Lola had first shouted my name as she propelled herself into the room, darting towards with me with all the fierce determination a three year old could muster. Victoria was still seated next to me, her eyes wide as she slowly turned her head to face her daughter, seemingly as surprised as I was at her appearance in the room. A thin, brunette followed moments later, chasing after her, trying to prevent her from coming down the stairs and bursting in to the tattoo studio.

But she had done it. She had found her way to me.

In that moment, my eyes skipped between Victoria and my daughter, breathing in every inch of their appearances, terrified lest they should disappear before my eyes, ghostly apparitions. The joy I felt at seeing her again was almost intoxicating as everything else around me blurred, her and Lola becoming the only things that mattered, that had ever truly mattered to me. The exact shade her hair had been, the light blonde hue still peaking through in places where it had resisted the dark dye. The lashes of her baby blue eyes fanned out, almost countable. The light freckles coating her pale cheeks, the faint dimples that widened when she smiled, the little flyaway hairs, all the things that made her Victoria, were finally here, in front of me, living, breathing.

Laughing, crying, whatever she would do next, it would be in my sight, because I was never leaving her again.

I wanted her, no I needed her, to be mine. She was mine, always.

And Lola. Words couldn't even begin to describe Lola. I had only known her a few seconds, since she had came flying, unannounced, into the room, an uncontrollable hurricane of energy, and yet, I already knew, the moment her blue-green eyes locked on mine, that I would happily die for her. I'd do anything to protect her, anything to make her smile. I always knew I'd love my daughter, more than words could ever describe, but I hadn't anticipated the force with which it would hit me, how soon I would know, in my heart, that she was mine. Even if Victoria wasn't here, even if I'd just chanced on Lola when she was walking down the street, I'd have known immediately. She was my mimi me.

Her blonde hair sprang in pools around her as she bounded towards me, a wide smile coating her features. Her eyes twinkled in the studio light, her cute giggle warming my heart as I noticed the gap between her two front teeth.

And then, just like that, the moment was over, and everything once again went full speed as Lola propelled herself into my arms, hitting me with more force than anticipated from such a tiny person. I hesitated for a split second, before my arms gently engulfed her, my eyes closing as I savoured the moment.

Finally, I had found her.

And I wasn't leaving either of them, ever again.

We could be a family. We would be a family. The perfect family.

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