Authors Note

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Hey everyone.

I can't believe I finished it. I actually finished it. My second book. And this time, I completed it without disappearing for a year. Better than that, I did it in less than a year!

Thank you so much for everyone who was read, commented, voted or messaged me about this book, it truly means the world to me. I adore writing, and I love having a place to share my work with all of you.

So, I know the question you're all burning to ask:
But what happens next?
Do they have more babies?
Why the sudden time jump in the epilogue?
Do we get more Lola?

The answer to all of those...will be revealed in the next book. I know I said this was the last one, but I just couldn't help myself; as I got halfway through writing this book, I realized - as I hope you did too - that Victoria and Roger's story had not come to an end. It's hard to write about someone you created for over four years and suddenly end their story.

So, tell me about this new story?
Well, the next installment is called 'beautiful dissonance' and a little teaser is already up on my profile for it. Whilst I aim to start publishing regularly over the summer for it, it will be a month or two until the next part is uploaded, just so I can spend sometime exploring my other ideas/stories. I'm also going to try write this one a few chapters ahead, to really nail down the timeline.

What can we expect from this new story?
Again, my answer on this is purposely very limited, partly to keep the suspense, and partly because I'm not 100% sure. Whilst I have a rough idea in my head, it is always subject to change. I can confirm it will start in 1984 however, and feature lots of flashbacks between the end of Good Intentions and 1984, hence the reason I didn't explore Victoria's second and third pregnancies in this book as much as some of you were hoping.
Also, maybe don't expect a happy, drama free story from me. Haven't you realized I'm incapable of that by now.

Will 'Beautiful Dissonance' be the end of Victoria and Roger's story?
Yes. And also no. It will be the last book written about their love story - it will end in 1991, and nobody wants to read about people nearing their fifties banging it out and screaming at each other - but possibly not the only book to feature them as characters.
Writing the later chapters of good intentions, I - and some of you guys - got the desire to explore the dynamic of Chrissie and Brian's relationship. I personally think their story, set between 1971 and 1978, would be a great way to explore in more detail what Roger went through in the years without Victoria. Whilst I can't confirm anything, I am exploring the possibility of that book, although it may mean abandoning another, less popular work to focus on it.

Were there alternate endings for good intentions?
Yes. Many. I'm so indecisive, my planned endings can change on the wind. The ending I had planned for the first half of the book was awful. It would have truly traumatized you all. I sent it to my friend Cielo once I abandoned it to allow for a third book, and she hated it. Be thankful.

Anything else we need to know about 'Beautiful Dissonance'?
Beautiful Dissonance will be similar to Bad Habits in that it will severely mess with the timeline of Queen for plot reasons, so don't read expecting it to be accurate in terms of tour dates, album release years, and the personal issues of the band. 1991 is the year it ends, so you can already guess some parts of it will be hella sad.

Can we expect any more Good Intentions content?
Yes, absolutely. I have loads of old story plans and abandoned chapters that will be uploaded to my blurbs at some point. I'll probably even write the horrible, abandoned epilogue at one point so you guys realize how lucky you are. These won't go up straight away though, because your girl is ready for a small break from this story after 4 years.

Thank you all once again ☺️

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