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Song: Breakthru by Queen


Roger's POV

I groaned, clutching at my head as the shrill ringing of the phone fragmented my deep sleep, forcing me to open my eyes. My throat felt dry and cracked, rough like sandpaper, my eyes ringed red. I ignored the shrill ringtone as I pulled the slumbering brunette closer into my chest, burying my face in her dark curls. Her nose brushed against my chest as she sleepily burrowed herself further into my naked form.

She was mine again, finally. She was back where she belonged. And we could stay like this all day.

My eyes fluttered closed of their own accord as the phone finally stopped it's ringing, the curiosity over who could be calling this early in the morning forgotten in my bliss. I had almost fallen back into my slumber when the ringtone sounded once again. I groaned, momentarily loosening grip on Victoria so I could roll over and grab the receiver.

"It's Roger Taylor, what the fuck do you want?" I groaned sleepily into the receiver, without giving the other person a chance to speak. My eyes remained closed as I longed for the moment the intruder would have finished speaking so I could return to my love.

"It's Rod. Is Victoria with you?" That, I hadn't been expecting. I clicked my tongue, resisting the childish urge to brag about the fact that she was.

"Yes, she's here. What's up?" I mumbled. I almost felt sorry for the poor guy. Almost. I heard him sigh in relief on the end of the phone.

"Thank god, I've been trying to get in touch with her all morning. Her babysitter called me because she couldn't reach Victoria" I tried to swallow my annoyance that Rod was the back-up contact for Lola's babysitter instead of me, struggling to focus on what the boring cunt actually wanted at 9am. "Freddie hasn't shown up to pick up Lola this morning and she wants one of you to pick Lola up as soon as you can"

"No worries, I'll head over there now" I groaned, already pushing myself up from the bed. Victoria deserved a decent sleep, for once. "Do you have an address handy?" I demanded.

"Sure, it's 95 Landscroft Avenue. The babysitter also said Lola has a friends birthday party at the play centre later this morning, will you be able to take her?" Rod informed me. I nodded, before stupidly realising the ratty-looking fuck couldn't actually see me.

"Yeah, I'll be able to take her" I confirmed. "Thanks for the heads up, buddy" The words felt like ashes in my mouth; nevertheless, he was looking out for my daughter, so they had to be spoken. We both knew I was only being polite.

"No problem mate" His own formality sounded just as forced. I nodded awkwardly, letting out a sigh of relief as the quiet click signalled Rod had finally put the phone down. Running a hand through my hair, I pulled on a fresh pair of boxers, followed by last night's discarded jeans. As I tugged the tight denim up my legs, my eyes wondered to her, a smile playing on my lips as I realised that she were finally mine, and I wasn't ever going to let go. 

As soon as I get back from caring for our daughter, we get to plan our whole life together, my love. We get to plan our house, our family, our dreams.

Grabbing a pen and a scrap of paper, I wrote a rushed letter to Victoria, explaining briefly that I wouldn't be there when she woke up, but that I would speak to her later. My eyes stinging due to my lack of sleep, the note remained short and simple; hopefully, my later actions would show everything I failed to put into words.

Kissing her forehead and whispering 'my love', I sped from the room.


"But she isn't actually my best friend, Kayla is my best friend, I just told Emily she was my best friend so I could go to her birthday party" Lola babbled in the back of the car, cheery and chirpy despite the fact that it was before 11am on a Sunday. I cursed my decision not to stop at Starbucks as I tried to focus on the pre-school drama my daughter was filling me in on.

Good Intentions - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now