The Batman Unmasked

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After using the toilet, Wanda exited the bathroom only to run into Rachel.
"Oh Natalie, you're back already?"
"Um yep...had a half day..." Wanda answered Rachel's question with her eyes facing the floor as she couldn't look at the woman she just caught kissing another man. Rachel noticed this as she then asked her if she was okay, to which Wanda replied with a yes as she tried to force herself to look at her friend's eyes, but still failed as she instead focused on Rachel's mouth.
"Hey, why can't you look at me?" Rachel questioned the uncomfortable woman in front of her.
"What do you mean? I am looking at you." Wanda awkwardly laughs.
"I mean you won't look me in the eyes. Why?" Rachel gave her a stern look. Wanda squirmed as she didn't know how to ask about the kiss without making it known that she was eavesdropping.
"It's nothing. Just...a bad day." Wanda bluffed, to which Rachel responded by gripping the woman's arm and lifting her face up so that they could hold eye contact.
"Natalie...I know this has nothing to do with work. You know something, which is making you uncomfortable around me. Just...please...tell me what it is. I don't want to fight with you." Rachel said sombrely. Wanda felt like she was shrinking under that gaze. She had dealt with enough disappointment in her life. Years of feeling like a failure for not saving her brother and then after Vision's death and not being able to have real children. It was too much as her eyes started to tear up. She didn't want her friendship with Rachel to fall through, otherwise that would be another thing to add to her long list.
"...I'm sorry...I listened in on you and Bruce...I saw you kiss him...I just...feel bad for Harvey." Wanda hesitantly spoke out about Rachel's misdeed, whose eyes widened as she heard what Wanda had to say.

"I...I''re right. I shouldn't have kissed Bruce, but it made me realise the truth....I don't love him anymore. Harvey's the one for me." Rachel paused then continued on.
"I was going to write Bruce a letter and then leave. If Harvey is out there, putting himself in danger then I'll go join him. It isn't fair for him to risk himself whilst I'm safe. It's also selfish, because then what am I supposed to do if he dies? Just get with Bruce because at least it will be a comfortable life? No, I couldn't do that... not to Harvey, Bruce or myself." Rachel started to tear up as well as she thought about that future.
"I'm so sorry Rachel. I shouldn't have doubted you." Wanda sniffled as she tried to keep the tears in.
"No, I understand . Me kissing him was bad, but in the end it helped me find myself." The two woman stood in silence.
"I couldn't ask you to risk your safety as well Natalie, so if you want to stay here then please do." Rachel pulled her friend in for a hug.
"I don't know about that. Bruce and I aren't really friends, I'm only here because of you. And besides what kind of friend would I be if I just let you face the Joker on your own. I'll be by your side every step of the way." Wanda hugged her back.

Rachel and Wanda were seated in the living room, watching the TV as it was about time for Harvey's press conference to start.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming." Harvey began the event.
"I've called this press conference for two reasons. Firstly, to assure the citizens of Gotham that everything that can be done over the Joker killings is being done. Secondly, because the Batman has offered to turn himself in. But first let's consider the situation. Should we give into this terrorist's demands? Do we really think that he's gonna...?" Harvey tried to defend Batman so that the people wouldn't discard the vigilante so easily, but was soon interrupted as someone in the audience raised a question.
"You'd rather protect an outlaw vigilante than the lives of the citizens?"
"The Batman is an outlaw. That's not why we demand he turn himself in, we're doing it because we're scared. We've been happy to let the Batman clean up our street for us till now." Harvey again tried to make the people realise just how indebted they were to the mysterious man, but to no avail as they continued with their stance on the matter.
"Things are worse than ever."
"Yes, they are. But the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you...the dawn is coming. One day, the Batman will have to answer for the laws he's broken. But to us...not to this madman." Harvey attempted one last time to make the people see reason, but it didn't work as now the police got involved.
"No more dead cops!"
"He should turn himself in!"
"Give us the Batman! Come on!"
"So be it. Take the Batman into custody." The District Attorney sighed as he gave out the order.
"What? Is he here?" There were gasps within the audience as people started to look around to catch a glimpse of who the Batman was, only for Harvey Dent to then claim that he was in fact the vigilante of the night. This didn't make them happy as whines and complaints could be heard after the reveal.

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