The Wizarding World in General is Excessive

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Percy P.O.V

To say Hogwarts was excessive would be an understatement. These kids out here are living in a CASTLE during the school year.

I hear Hermione's light laugh at my amazement.

"Come on! Don't tell me you weren't this amazed when you saw it!" I exclaimed jokingly.

"No I was probably even more amazed. It's just nice watching others see it too," she grinned.

We got off the train and walked towards carriages pulled by black winged creatures.

"Oh what are these called!" I exclaimed, going over and petting one of their snouts. They were basically horses I figured so I kinda had a thing for them already.

"What are you talking about? You mean the carriages?" Ron asked confusedly.

"No I see them too. What are they?" Leo asked, wide eyed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Harry asked.

"The carriages pull themselves," Hermione said gently.

"Umm... ok weird. Let's go then," Piper quickly ushered everyone into the carriage due to the rain.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron started talking so we whispered quietly to one another.

"Maybe it's cause we're demigods," Leo shrugged.

"That unfortunately has nothing to do with it young one."

I would have jumped had the sensation of another being talking in my mind not have been frequent.

"So why can we see you?" I asked mentally.

"We are Thestrals. We can only be seen by those who've seen death."

I frowned, saddened at the thought.

"Do not despair young one. I can see that your friends died with noble causes in their hearts."

I smiled gently at that thought and continued my mental conversation.

"Do you have a name?" I asked.

"I go by Argus young one."

"It's nice to meet you Argus," I smiled, hoping he mentally got that image.

"It's refreshing to talk to one as young as you with such a bright mind. I myself am centuries old and have been here since the beginning of Hogwarts," Argus said proudly.

"Percy!" Leo shook me.

I jolted out of my mental conversation with Argus.

"You zoned out. We're here," Piper smiled.

I smiled back and got out of the carriage nimbly. I offered my hand to Piper and she jokingly took it, jumping out.

I noticed Hermione looking at us quizzically so I let go of her hand.

"Where can I find you again?" I asked, being tugged towards the castle.

"Find me in the Forbidden Forest if you wish, you are kind young one," Argus bowed gently to me.

I waved as Piper grabbed my hand again, pulling me along the path.

"Were you waving to the carriages mate?" Ron asked, looking at me weirdly.

"Oh no. I thought I saw someone," I shrugged.

Ron nodded quickly.

Suddenly, water balloons began to rain down on us. Literally.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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