Chapter 2

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Naruto had his headphones on, not bothering to pay attention to how loud he was playing. He slammed his drumsticks against his drums that were located in the corner of his room.

He heard a slight "ding" from his phone. He laid his headphones around his neck. It was a message from Sakura.

She didn't know about his and Sasuke's relationship. Only some of Naruto friends knew, like Shikamaru, Kiba, and Choji. So that meant, she still liked Sasuke and would talk about him around Naruto.

Since she thought they were friends, She would ask Naruto constantly about Sasuke. He didn't mind it at all. He knew that she didn't know, and that was his fault. He was scared that she'd get mad at him or something.

The message was about, lo and behold, Sasuke. He brushed it off, not wanting to answer it. He was worked up while playing. He felt amazing and he knew he sounded good. His parents were out and it was a Saturday.

Yesterday, they fell asleep after their long day at school. He heard what Sasuke said, about him being perfect. It made him happy thinking about how Sasuke felt about him. Sasuke was better than Naruto was, that's what Naruto thought.

Perfect grades, perfect hair. He couldn't lie, his boyfriend was and still is, handsome. He pulled an aggressive amount of girls. He was indeed handsome. But the only person that Sasuke truly loved, apart from his mother, was and will forever be, Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto tossed his phone on his desk and continued drumming. Then, he got a call. He rolled his eyes and answered it.



"Kiba? What the hell do you want? And what's with the unknown number?"

"Oh, uh, yeah! I'm using some landline that I found out and about. I'm just calling to say, I saw your boyfriend! He's getting pizza. Are you guys gonna hang out today?"

"Uhm, not that I know of. Why?"

"I was hoping we could hang out at the park for a bit? Shikamaru is gonna be there and Choji is too. Shino and Neji as well."

"Oh! I'm so down. The park right?"

"Yeah, so will you come?"

"Yeah! I'll call you when I'm over there, okay?"

"Well, you should call Shikamaru instead. My phone is dead."

"Alright, want me to bring a charger too?"

"Yes please!"

"Ight, see you then."

Naruto hung up and quickly jumped from his seat. He ran to his closet and quickly got changed. He wore some tan cargo shorts and a blue Nike sweatshirt.

He grabbed his bag that carried most of his essentials and got to the front door of his parents house. He quickly slipped on his shoes and walked out of the house.

He pulled his phone out and quickly told his parents where he would be going. They were okay with it, as long as he cleaned the house. He did clean the house before he even began to play his drums.

Then, he called his Sasuke.


"Yes my dobe?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the park with me and some of my buddies."

"I don't know. Will we be able to hang out after?"

"Sasuke, yes or no? So we can walk together to the park. I'm almost at your house."

"I...just go without me for now. I'm not at my house. I'll be there in a bit."

" you."

"Love you too dobe."

Naruto hung up the phone and took it away from his ear. I love you, Naruto thought. He couldn't help but remember the first "I love you" that Sasuke told him. Surprisingly, to Naruto, Sasuke said it first.

It has been almost a year since then. A YEAR! 365 days! It was always surprising to Naruto whenever he thought about him and Sasuke. He would thing back to how things were before they began dating.

Nevertheless, they were together now and better than ever. They always made a good team, despite all their arguing and disagreements.


Naruto arrived sooner than he thought. He quickly ran to find his friends. He thought it was going to be just him and his boy buddies. They all knew about him and Sasuke, so he felt comfortable being around them and doing couple things with Sasuke.

But, there was one person he didn't expect to be there, Sakura. He quickly hid and tired to make his way to his friends without Sakura seeing him. Too bad for him, because Sakura had already seen him. She ran up to him, swinging her arms in the air to get his attention.

Naruto slowly came out of hiding from behind a tree. "H-hi Sakura." He said, worriedly.

"Naruto? Why the hell were you hiding?"
She questioned.

"Ahehe. Wow look, the sky! Isn't it beautiful?"

Sakura gave him an annoyed look.

"I love your dress. It really brings out your eyes." Naruto commented.

There was once a time where he truly liked Sakura. Course, he got over her as soon as he and Sasuke started talking and not arguing.

Aside from that, he was sincere with his comment about Sakuras choice of clothing. It fit well on her. It matched her hair and eyes and the little sun hat that she wore.


The boys, watching from a far, gave each other a confuse look.

"Hey, Naruto!"
Someone yelled from behind the blonde boy. It was his boyfriend. Sakura's eyes lit up with excitement. She ran toward Sasuke, greeting him as she went closer to him. Naruto just stood where he was. Watching the interaction.

Sasuke also began to run, getting Sakura's hopes up about him running for her. He passed by Sakura, ignoring her greeting and ran up to his boyfriend instead.

Kiba let out a sigh, thankful that Sasuke went up to Naruto and not Sakura.

"Hey, sorry I was a bit late. I made some plans so.."

"It's alright teme! As long as you're here. Thing is, we can't do much. Sakura is here."

"Yeah, I can see that. But what does that have to do with doing stuff?"

"You know like...kissing? She doesn't know."

"Oh...well we're going out later, right?"

"Yeah, of course!"

"Than that's settled. Love you."

"Love you too."

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