Chapter 5

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"Hey! Cut it out teme!" Naruto angrily said, as he tried kicking a soccer ball. Sasuke was right on his ass, trying to get the ball from him. He kicked in between the blonde boy's legs and got the ball. Naruto began to run after him.

Some girls giggled from the bench, obviously pointing at Naruto. He wasn't sure if they were laughing at him or fancying him. I mean, he was up against the Sasuke. People referred to him as if he were famous.

Naruto didn't mind, not at all. He could see why people were so fond of him. What he did mind, was people making fun of him. Naruto always stuck up for himself, and normally his friends would too.

When Sasuke made a goal in, they took a break. The pair went to sit at a bench that sat on the outside of the soccer field.

"Holy shit, you did a great job." Sasuke complemented the blonde, patting him on the back.

"Oh, like you didn't know that," he rolled his eyes. "You're not so bad yourself, handsome."

"Wow there shortcake, I'm taken." Sasuke joked. In hence, Naruto laughed.

"Oh yeah? By who?" Naruto joked. But before Sasuke could answer with some snarky joke, a random girl spoke up.

"By me!" She said, towered over both of them. A couple other girls stood behind her. Naruto was confused. I mean, he obviously knew who Sasuke was with.

Sasuke tried to speak up, when the random girl cut him off. She sat down next him, wrapping her arm around Sasuke's. He looked at her annoyed.

"Isn't that right, Sasuke-Kun?" She said, batting her eyes at him. Expecting him to say yes.

"Excuse me? Can't you see? I've already got a partner." He said, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly, there was an uprise of shocked "what?" that spread throughout the girls. The girl who was especially shocked, was the one who thought she was dating Sasuke.

They were murmurs spreading everywhere.

"Huh? Who is she?! Let's find her!"
One of the girls screamed.

"Yeah!" Others agreed.

"No, no, you've got it all wrong. It's not a girl."
The crowd of girls went quiet.

Naruto just sat beside his boyfriend, watching it all unfold. They were finally going to tell people that weren't important in their lives. He didn't mind at all. He wanted to see the miserable look on the girls faces when they find out that they lost to a 5,4ft blonde with a hard case of stupidity. And, to add more excitement, he was a boy.

Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, but before he did anything, Naruto had pulled him into a kiss. He grabbed the back of the other boys neck and kissed him. It didn't even take a second for Sasuke to kiss back. The kiss wasn't long, but it wasn't too short.

Once they pulled away, they laughed. Naruto more than Sasuke. The turned to face the girls.

"This ladies," Sasuke said, looking at Naruto. "Is my amazing, but idiotic, boyfriend."

They all shout.

"Oops, it seems like we've run out of time."
Sasuke says, cheecking his watch.

"Why don't we head out, dear?"
He says, looking at his boyfriend and wrapping his arm around the other's shoulder.

"You know what?" Naruto questions. "I think we should." They get up and leave to the lockers, Sasuke's arm around Naruto the whole time.

They burst out laughing, once they got to the lockers. "D-did you see the look on their faces?" Naruto said, laughing.

"Jeez Naruto, I wasn't expecting that kiss. But it made it even better!" Sasuke commented.

"We really do suck."
The blonde boy said, jokingly.

"Hm, yeah. Bells about to ring, we should start getting ready to leave. My love."

"Oh, that's right! Ugh, I'm so sweating. Do you have a towel or something?"

"Yeah, here."
Sasuke grabbed something out of his bag and handed it to Naruto.

"Thank you, my loyal prince."

They both chuckle. As Naruto went for the towel, he kept his hand near Sasuke's. They both stared into each other's eye, waiting for something to break the silence. Nothing. It was just them.

Naruto began feeling like he did way back in 7th grade. The Ferris wheel. Where Sasuke had admitted his feelings for the younger boy. Sasuke felt the same way as Naruto did. His mind replayed that over and over agin in his mind, not believing that he actually won Naruto over.

"I love your eyes. I"
Sasuke said, abruptly.

"I love you, Sasuke Uchiha."
Naruto said, taking the towel from Sasuke's hands.

"Huh?! Nope, you can't beat me. I love you, Naruto Uzumaki! And no, you can't say you love me more. Cause no one shall love anyone more than I love you."

"I...I love you Sasuke Uchiha. More than anyone can imagine."

They both went silent, before laughing. "We're both a bunch of love struck idiots, aren't we?"
Naruto croaked out. His boyfriend agreeing.

"I'd like to keep it that way."
Sasuke mumbled to himself. Naruto, was his everything. Sure, it might've started as a silly middle school crush, but now, he was sure if it. He, Sasuke Uchiha, wanted to spend the rest of his life with Naruto Uzumaki.

He was head over heels, in love with Naruto. He was beautiful and charming, even though he didn't see it himself. His golden locks, baby blue eyes that glistened like the ocean, and stupid yet adorable whiskers that were imprinted on his face. It was his birthmark, but it was so unique.

Sasuke would always pinch his cheeks, admiring his boyfriend fully. His heart, blossomed for Naruto. He wouldn't want it any other way. Naruto was his, and he was Naruto's. He couldn't imagine himself with anyone, apart from Naruto.

He would do anything for the boy. Even sell his own soul for him. Fight for him. He wanted to hold Naruto. To love him forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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