Chapter 3

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The rest of the time, the gang spent some time at the park, playing around. Later, they went to a local restaurant.

They sat in a booth, 4 people on each side. Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba, and Sakura on one side and Shika, Choji, Neji, and Shino on the other.

Sasuke sat at the end of the booth and Naruto sat next to him with Kiba sitting between him and Sakura. Which meant Sakura sat right next to the window.

"I've got to use the bathroom. Mind moving Sasuke?"

"Yeah, I mean no. I mean...I'll move."

Naruto let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, I've got to go too!"
Kiba said.

Sasuke got up out of the booth and let Naruto and Kiba get out. He sat back down once they got out. Now, he was a couple inches away from Sakura. She still sat beside the window and Sasuke tried to keep his distance, almost falling off the seat to do so.

He and Shikamaru started talking about some school stuff. Sasuke couldn't help but notice that Sakura was inching closer to him. He felt uncomfortable to say the least. His head ran with thoughts like: When is Naruto coming back? Is she trying to make a move on me? C'MON NARUTO WHERE ARE YOU? OR ATLEAT KIBA COULD BE HERE!


"Why would you invite Sakura?!"
Naruto angrily said to his friend.

"I-I..I didn't! She was just there when we got to the park! We tried to avoid her, knowing you most likely would bring Sasuke!"

Naruto gave a long sigh. "Look, let's just leave and hurry to our homes. Sure, I'm always down to hang out with her and you guys, but not when Sasuke's around! Yes, it's my fault I haven't told her I'm just...scared."

Kiba put him hand on Naruto's shoulder, trying to comfort him. "'s okay. It's okay to be scared of coming out. And it isn't your fault for feeling that way. Now, let's go out there before Sakura try's to make a move on your man!"

Naruto chuckled. "I bet she is. But, I get why."

They laughed as they walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey, what took so long?"
Shikamaru asked.

"Naruto was being dumb and accidentally...hurt himself." Kiba came up with that right on the spot.

"Uh...yeah! It hurt a bunch, but ya know, I'm a big boy!" Naruto said, flexing his muscles.

Sasuke gave him a gently smile. He loved Naruto's stupid personality. It was always so cute and unexpected.

The boys went to sit down. Naruto noticed that Sakura was closer to Sasuke than she was before he went to the bathroom.

Later, as they walked back through the park, Sakura constantly kept eyeing Sasuke. She tried to get loser to him, trying to get an opportunity at grabbing his hand. But, luckily, Naruto would pop up out of no where. He was too busy talking to his friends to even notice what Sakura was trying to do.

Sasuke didn't mind Naruto being with his friends, sometimes. He loved watching Naruto socialize and talk. His voice is so pleasing to the Uchiha. His facial expressions are precious. When he laughs or smiles, Sasuke can't help but be love struck.

At the end, they all said their goodbyes. Once Naruto and Sasuke finished saying their goodbyes (It was mostly Naruto saying goodbye) they left.

Sakura tried catching up with them, without them knowing. She wanted to say something to Sasuke. She hadn't the whole time they hung out. She was too shy to say anything other than "Hello".

But, she never got to say goodbye to either of them. Once she caught up to them, she was about to about their names. But, she saw something shocking.

It was Sasuke and Naruto, locking lips. Naruto's arms rested on Sasuke's shoulders, wrapping around his neck. Sasuke's hands laid gently on Naruto's sides.

Soon, they stopped. It wasn't something too heated, but it wasn't just a small peck. They left, holding hands, thinking no one had saw them.

Sakura stood behind a tree in shock. Were Sasuke and Naruto a thing? No, how could they? I mean, she had nothing against people that are part of the LGBTQ +, she believes love is love. But, Sasuke and Naruto? How? When? How long? Was it just a joke? No. No one makes a joke like that.

Sakura's head raced with thoughts about them. Had they been hiding it from everyone else? Or was it just her? Was she not good enough for Sasuke? Is Sasuke gay? Is Naruto gay?

No. No, he had liked Sakura once. Up until now, she thought he still did. We're they together right now? Hugging? Cuddling? Kissing? Was it all just a joke?

Sakura couldn't sleep that night. What she saw was shocking to the point that she didn't eat dinner. Maybe she was just full from the restaurant, but it was also definitely because of what she saw.


Sasuke said.

They were sitting on Naruto's bed, a laptop on Sasuke's lap. They were watching a movie. Sasuke had orders pizza with his savings and Naruto got drinks and fast food with his. They sat up right, Naruto's head laid in the crook of Sasuke's neck. Sasuke's head gently laid on top of Naruto's. His hand was in a bag of chips.


"Sakura...she-she tried to hold my hand. While we were walking around the park after the restaurant? I stood behind you with her a couple inches from me. She kept trying, but you kept interrupting her by talking to me or coming back to me."

"Yeah, I know."

"You're not bothered by it?"

"Of course I am! You're my boyfriend in all. But, it's my fault that I haven't told her..."

"Hey, it's not. So what if you're scared? You can't be pushed to tell everyone about us. It's not your fault and it will never be."
Sasuke said, making Naruto look at him by moving his face by his chin.

They locked into each other's eyes. Naruto's filled with guilt. Sasuke's filled with worry.
Naruto covered his face with both his hands, trying to cover up his tears. Sasuke hurried to comfort him, bringing him into a big hug. Naruto slowly hugged back.

It isn't your fault that you don't want to come out to her. It's not your fault that you're scared that it'll ruin everything between you and her. It'll never be your fault that your afraid to come out.

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