01: Addison Mary Kathryn Harrington stop ignoring me!

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It was the beginning of another school year. Addison was up pretty early to get her hair perfect. Since her parents were highly against her getting it permed or relaxed, and her big brother was on the same team as them for the subject, she was stuck with long beautiful 3B jet black hair.

Steve promised her they would dye it brown this weekend, and it was the only way she would agree to keep it natural. She disliked the fact that her whole family had straight, silky, beautiful hair. But, they could tell her a whole rant if they heard her say that out loud.

Putting on a beautiful yellow dress, and placing a few sunflower accessories in her long hair, Addison compliments the dress with her brand new white converse.

Lastly, she puts on her necklace that Steve gifted her saying, "AddyCake" and sprayed perfume. Grabbing her backpack, she headed downstairs for breakfast. Not finding her parents, Addison wasn't surprised. She just ate the meal that her mother prepared and grabbed two granola bars for her brother. "You ready Addy Cake?"

"Yeah Steve-O!" Placing a kiss on his sister's head, the Harrington siblings make it out of the house, and to her brother's brand new BMW.

On the way to school, the two talk about any and everything. The bond between the brother and sister was closer than anything in this world or the upside down. Steve had vowed from day one to make sure that her life was perfect, and so far they've only had one little bump in the road.

Getting to school, the duo stays back in Steve's car for a few minutes. Finally spotting Will Byers, Addison gives her big brother a kiss on the cheek, and takes her shades. "Time to go be a badass Harrington."

The reputation of the Harringtons was one to not mess with. Steve was known as 'King Steve' and his younger sister was 'Goddess MK', the MK being short for Mary Kate. Everyone knew not to fuck with Steve, and they knew that Addison was known for fighting as well.

"There she is! Hey Addy!" Hugging her second favorite person in the whole wide world, "hey bestie! How was this last week without me?"

"You tell me! How was bora bora?" Rolling her eyes, "you mean my parent's latest 'I'm sorry we weren't there' trip? Amazing. Except for the fact that after the second day they went back into work mode and now they owe us another vacation." Shrugging her shoulders, Addison doesn't see Mike trying to get her attention, until he calls out her full name, "Addison Mary Kathryn Harrington, quit ignoring me!"

It was then that her goons, Tommy H and John C, pulled Mike Wheeler up by his shirt and were about to pounce on him for hurting/ insulting their goddess. "Hey, guys! It's all good! Put Wheeler down please."

Reluctantly putting the younger wheeler down, the boys go back to their position behind Addison, something they did on their own behalf. "Didn't hear you, Mikey, you're gonna have to talk louder next time,"

Hearing the sound of the bell go off, "See you, nerds, in class!" Addison starts to skip toward her first class of the day, Mr. Clarke.

From afar, both Billy Hargrove and Max Mayfield watched the interaction that was Addison Harrington. "Stay away from the Harrington girl, I've heard her brother is a piece of shit"

"We literally just got here" getting agitated and blowing smoke in his stepsister's face, "don't make me tell you twice."


"Good Morning! Mr. Clarke!" Coming in after the new student, Addison Harrington finally takes off her sunglasses, "well good morning, Mary Kate! I'm so happy to see someone in the science mood!"

In all honesty, Addison Harrington had just had a bad panic attack. Today was a day she was overly happy to have goons follow her everywhere. One immediately went and got Steve. And, after she calmed down, he kissed her head, and escorted her to class saying that her "mental health was more important than fucking calculus"

Will knew when something was off with his best friend. Turning around after the new girl was introduced, he gave her the look, and Addison couldn't do anything but nod her head to him. Will knew it couldn't have been a really bad one if she was still at school and not with Hopper, so he reached down in his backpack and grabbed her a chocolate bar. They always seemed to calm her down.

Taking the candy with still shaky hands, "thanks Willy" opening the paper that Dustin throws at her, "SHES MADMAX" not knowing what the fuck he's talking about, she gives the paper to Will. Opening the second one, "AV CLUB AT LUNCH AND RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL"

Addison Harrington would not be caught dead at the AV club, but she did sneak in and out from time to time. Knowing she wouldn't be doing it at lunch, but might ask her brother to go after school.


At lunchtime, Addison walked over to the high school. This year, both Harringtons have the same lunch shift, meaning they would come to either or on any day if needed. Steve knew his sister would probably come, so she warned his friends. But, they just shook him off. Addison Harrington was like a little sister to everyone at that table.

Making it into the cafeteria, Addison tells everyone she sees hello, she's just a kind soul. Sitting next to her brother, she tells them all hello before eating the lunch he picked for her. "Did your hands shake afterward? Nodding, "yeah, Will gave me some chocolate."

As Nancy came and sat on the other side of Addison, "hey my Addy Bear", and gave her a big squeeze, Addison felt as if her brother and his girlfriend were her parents. They nurtured and cared for her daily, and Nancy was always around before she started to date her brother. "Hey nac"

"Stevie, can I stay for AV club today?" Softly taking her hair down, "are you feeling up for it? You look a little tired to me AddyCake." Addison really wasn't up for it, but she knew he friends needed her. "I'll call you as soon as I start to feel weak?"

"That's a deal I'm willing to make."


Walking down the hall, it was the first time all day that Addison Harrington had actually been alone. Quickly walking to AV, she sees a girl outside of the room. The new kid from this morning.

"Hey?" Getting a hi back, Addison was quick to bang in the door, "I swear to god if you assholes don't let us in! You know I hate the fucking dark!" Holding onto the girl's hand supper tight, "trust me for two seconds, the only way you're getting in." Seeing Mike open the door, and yank her in, he doesn't realize they are joined at the wrist until both are in. "You bitch! You tricked me!"

"1.) thanks for the compliment you illiterate swine, and 2.) why would you leave her out there to die!" Hearing a huff from Lucas Sinclair, "nobody would get her in a school Katty."

"We don't know that Luc"

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