04: Trick or Treat

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It was now Halloween night, and Addison truly didn't know who to go as. Giving up, she allows for her parent set number two to dress her. As Nancy does her hair up, and places a crown on top, it was easy to see that she was dressing her as a princess.

But Addison only knew of a white Princess, she was black.

It was then that her big brother pulled out a beautiful green dress with sparkles everywhere. Tiana's dress. Princess Tiana was the newest Disney Princess. So new, many haven't had the chance to see her in the movie theater.

The Harringtons, however, saw the first ever showing, front row. "Will you be our Princess Tiana tonight, AddyCake?"

Sobbing, Addison takes both teens into her arms. They knew how much this would mean to her, and she was showing her appreciation through her sobs and many "thank yous"

Steve left so that Nancy could help Addison into her dress, then he handed her the million-dollar wand. Slipping on the glass slippers, Nancy races downstairs so that she could get the moment on the video recorder.

As Steve walks his baby sister to the top of the stairs, Addison sees her parents downstairs, as well as all their neighbors of Loche Nora, "I present to you, our very own, Princess Tiana"

As everyone cheers, Addison couldn't help but have a huge smile on her face. Everyone here cared about her and her upbringing. After hugging her parents and thanking everyone from loche Nora, she jumps into Jim Hoppers' arms, "I'm glad to see you here dad"

"I wouldn't miss seeing my goodness in action. I mean, my Princess Tiana" waving one more time to everyone, Addison slides into the back of Steve's car, where he would drop her off at the meet-up location for the party. "Are you sure you're okay with skating tonight?"

"Yup! Can't bike and give people a free show" as the two teens in the front laugh at the joke, Addison tells them one more goodbye before gracefully walking to her friends, "bye mom and dad! Tuck me in tonight at Nancy's!"

"Holy Shit! Look at Addy!" As all eyes are on the melanin goddess, Addison gracefully makes her way to the group. "Hey, guys!" Looking completely at Max, "cool outfit Maxy"

"Beautiful outfit Mary Kathryn" as both girls giggle, Addison takes Max's stretched-out arm, and walks with her. Of course, the Harrington knew how to walk in heels, but she wasn't gonna give up a reason or opportunity to hold onto Max.

Mike was pissed that Max had gotten Addison's full attention somehow. But Will, he saw the chemistry between the two. He had told his mom and Hopper, and both were keeping the secret until the young girl was ready to tell them.

Dustin and Lucas were upset that Max wanted to spend all her time with Addison. They didn't see that the girls were holding onto each other as if their lives depended on it.

"We should head to loche Nora next, that's where all the rich snobs live. They always give out full-sized candy bars. Wait- you don't live on Loche Nora do you Max?" Pissed at Dustin's rant, Addison was trying to not let it run in her night.

Max, however, saw how Dustin's words affected her, "I don't, but Mary Kathryn does. And everyone on Loche Nora is not a total snob. Have you met one of your closest friends? She's far from it. And quite frankly, your words hurt her. She won't say it 'cause she doesn't want to ruin the mood, but I will."

Wrapping her arms around the girl she adores with her whole heart, Max walks them at a faster pace until they are at a good distance from the boys. "You sure you don't want to go home? Or to Hoppers? I'm sure he won't mind if we crash. I know you're parents don't know, or do you want to keep going?"

Pondering on the question, "let's go to Joyce's. It's close and Wills getting tired." Telling Will the plan, the three get halfway before he has an episode.

Afterward, they continued to walk and Addison did everything she knew how to comfort her best friend. Max knew she had to be there for the girl who was trying to be there for her best friend.

Making it to the Byers home, Addison helped to settle Will in before she and Max settled in the spare bedroom. Addison slept over so much that everyone joked about it being her personal room at the home.

Joyce phoned both of their mothers, letting them know of the predicament and that she had everything taken care of.

After the girls changed into some of Addison's clothes that she keeps on deck over at the house, they laid down in the guest room. Addison couldn't get comfortable, so she broke the barrier, rolled over, and placed her head on Max's Chest. "Does this make you uncomfortable?"

Max, now smiling so hard she was barely holding back her giggle, "not at all baby, I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to do it." As they share a small giggle together, Addison puts her nose in the crook of Max's neck.

Now completely tangled together and comfortable, both girls sighed and fell into peaceful slumber, "goodnight, love of my life" Addison, hearing it slightly, "goodnight, love of my dreams"

Her Ginger {M. MayField}Where stories live. Discover now