02: You're still holding my hand sweetheart

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"Why the hell would you do that Addy!" Shrugging her shoulders, "it's dark. You know how I feel about the dark. Girls protect girls."

Max never saw everything from her point of view, she never looked out for herself let alone the next girl. "Thanks, Addy"

Before Addison could say something sweet back, the boys all said in unison, "It's Mary Kate to you" stomping her foot, "leave her alone! She didn't know" as a shocked look comes over all the boy's faces, "now, are you gonna tell me why the hell I am here after school with Stevie waiting, or are we gonna gawk at me taking up for someone."

Dustin, holding his hand up and speaking again at the same time, "I vote for the latter"


As everyone splits up, looking for a small, slimy-ass creature that Dustin can't let go of, Max and Addison bump into each other. "I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." Smiling to the ginger, "it's okay, I'm on the wrong as well." As the two keep smiling at each other, Max's skateboard comes from under her.

"Shit! Are you okay Max?! Don't move too fast! Just in case you have a concussion." Max, feeling butterflies due to how the girl is so worried for her, "I'm okay Mary Kate. This is nothing compared to other hits I've got from skating. " helping the girl up, they both continue to look for the slug-like creature, before passing a window by the field.

"Will!" Letting go of Max's hand, and running a fell speed towards her best friend, she doesn't care that anybody can see under her dress. "Will! Wake up! Will!" Scared to touch him and become the next target, Addison allows for Max to pull her into a hug as Will's mother starts to shake him, "Will! It's me, honey, It's mom! Wake up baby please!"

As Addison buries her neck into Max, she can't stop sobbing. Steve hears a commotion, and drives around to the side of the school. Parking and running to his sister, he gently takes her out of the hold of the young ginger girl.

Addison was reluctant to leave Max's arms. Everything felt safe there. She smelt of strawberries and the ocean. Her touch to Addison's skin was overly calm, like it put her in a trace.

Letting her brother lead her to his BMW, Addison's sobbing never stopped. Mike was three steps behind, with the melanated girl's backpack. "How about we go home, I'll make homemade pizza, and we watch lady and the tramp? How does that sound to my goddess?"

"Perfect King Steve. Thank you"


As Steve slept next to Addison, she softly climbed out of bed and onto the roof. This was the first night in a long time she wasn't able to fall asleep. A certain red-headed girl was on her mind, and she didn't know what that meant.

She had always told boys that she was too busy, and was focusing on her school work. Of course, that wasn't true. She was actually very self-conscious of herself and not even having King Steve as your life coach could help that.

"Can't sleep either?" Glancing down, Addison sees the beauty that's keeping her awake. "No. How did you know where I lived?" As the ginger climbed up the drain pipe, and then up to the roof, "I knew you lived on this street. I just hoped that no one else had the same car as Steve."

As the two let out a giggle, Max lays right beside Addison. "I know everyone at school calls you Mary Kate. And I've heard people call you Addy and Addison. But I was wondering if you'll tell me your full name?"

"Will you tell me yours, Maxine?" Nodding Addison didn't miss when Max practically turned on her side to pay close attention to the Harrington. "Okay, I'm only telling you this once and you have to swear to never tell this to anyone else."


"My full name, is Addison Mary Kathryn Harrington." Taking a breath in, and letting the name slip from her lips, "it's beautiful Mary Kathryn."

The way that Max let her name roll off of her lips, had Addison wanting to hear it every day, all day. "Say it one more time, please Maxine."

"Anything for you, Mary Kathrine."


Addison did learn that Max's full name was Maxine Dacré Mayfield. She thought it was the cutest thing in the world. Max decided to go home at two, but neither wanted to part. "Can we do this again, but maybe next time, we meet in my room. I'll leave the door open?"

"Anything for you Mary Kathryn" nodding, Addison didn't notice she was still holding onto Max's hand until ginger pointed it out, "you're still holding my hand sweetheart."


"Don't be, hold it anytime"

Making it back into her brother's room and laying into his arms, it was then that Steve decided to make himself known. "Let me find out you're spitting game on the roof. Proud that my ways a rubbing off"

"I don't like-"

"It's okay baby sis, you can play for the same time and still win every time."

Her Ginger {M. MayField}Where stories live. Discover now