06: Hey Buddy

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After almost losing my brother to a demo dog, since he decided to offer himself up as a second food option, Steve is now on thin ice as well.

It really has to be piss Addy off day

Because, leaving the junkyard, and heading to the lab, we run into Nancy and Jonathan. Seeing those two together pissed me off more than Dustin insulting loche Nora. "What are you guys doing out here? Where's Mike and Will?"

I was quick to reply to Nancy, "Getting high, having sex, who cares, THERE NOT HERE" Walking off and closer to the building, I hear Jonathan say something about them being on the inside. "No shit stalker"

Feeling my shirt getting pulled by my brother, Steve pulls us out of earshot from everyone else and lets me have it. "Sweetheart, I get that you're upset right now, I am as well. But we have to put everything aside and work together so that we can save Will and Hawkins. Okay? And after we finish this shit, I'll let you go apeshit on everyone. I know they upset us both in many ways, but we have to see past that for a few hours."

Bringing my brother into a hug, "Okay papa bear. I'll bite my tongue extra hard. But not for long. Somebody's gonna get." Kissing the top of my head, "I know kiddo, and I'll be right there to back you up"

"I love you, Stevie"

"I love you, AddyCake"

Walking back and joining the group, I stay around my brother, not really feeling up for socializing with the rest of the people at the moment.

Before anyone could make a plan about going in, everyone was coming out guns blazing

Jk they were actually coming out in full force. As Joyce's car stopped, Jonathan and Nancy hopped in. When Hoppers stopped, I wasted no time grabbing my brother's hand and getting into the SUV we often rode in to get to the man's secret cabin.

Knowing that now is not a good time for silly jokes or games, I keep all opinions and jokes to myself. Laying my head on Steve's shoulder, I slowly start to fall asleep when I feel someone intertwine hands with my left.

Slowly opening them, I see Max. Laying my head from Steve and onto her, I am once again hit with the smell of the ocean and strawberries. Something that has become my favorite combination.


Once we get to Joyce's house, Will is out to bed. Where we go from here, I have no idea. "Why are you here Princess, I swear if you got into this again after you promised you would stay clear-"

Calming the grouchy man, "Do you actually know how hard it is to not get involved? Caused I tried very hard. It was all a coincidence actually. I'll tell you all about it when we finish." Walking away, I head to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. "Really? At a time like this, you choose to eat?"

"Pipe down no teeth, you're two seconds away from knock-out land. Do you wanna fight something with no strength? We wouldn't be in this if you hadn't kept one as a damn pet! So leave me the hell alone!" Tonight, Addison was showing her goddess side, and how she earned the title.

She was harsh just like Steve, but he had come out of his shell. She learned every harsh word from her brother who learned them mostly from Hopper. Addison had picked a few up from the drunken man as well.

Being the only girl meant she was headstrong, and didn't take any shit. It also meant she was mean as a junkyard dog.

As the young Henderson cowers back in fear, "Sorry Addy", Addison glares at him one more time before offering everyone sandwiches.

Afterward, Addison decided to stay away from Max. Her temper was through the roof and she didn't want to say something in the heat of the moment that she didn't mean.

So, Addison was attached to Steve's hip and practically in his lap.

Listening to everyone yell, Addison puts her head into her brother, feeling a huge headache coming on. Hopper, seeing this, pulls out her noise-canceling headphones and placed them on her head. Addison shed a few tears, but then she calmed down even more when she could barely hear Mike yelling.

Fidgeting with her brother's fingers, Addison counts to ten and then counts down. Trying to keep her sanity at bay and her panic attack at bay. Nancy noticed what Addison was doing, but she knew the young girl didn't want her help.

Addison stayed zoned out until she saw the lights flicker, "Morse code dudes" Grabbing pen and paper, Addison starts to decode what Will was trying to tell them.

She kept her headphones on, everyone was still too loud for her. "Close Gate" Looking to Steve and Hopper, Addison repeats the phrase one more time before all heads whip around to the telephone.

"He didn't hear that, it could be a telephone anywhere"

"No shit dumbass, he knows his phone" Before Addison could hit Dustin, growling is heard. Getting pushed behind her big brother, and throwing her surrogate father's extra handgun, Addison grabs Max's hand and puts it around her waist.

Nancy was given her father's spare shotgun. It was time for battle. The shed was ready, and so was their plan.

Lucas had his slingshot ready to go, standing in front of Mike and Dustin.

As the front door opens and a demo dog is thrown in. The dog doesn't move. Max holds onto Addison tighter, and Addison intertwines their fingers. "Don't worry, just trust me" There was so much more at that moment that Addison wanted to say, but she decided not to. Too many prying ears

But Max knew everything she was trying to say. Laying her head into the melanin girl's back, she inhaled her scent of cocoa butter and shea butter mixed with honey one more time. It felt like the end for the second time that night.

Into the house comes Eleven. As the Harringtons see her, they drop their weapons and do their handshake. Sick of all the damn close calls

Bringing Max to the front of her, Addison's backhand gives Steve her handgun as she hugs the girl. Whispering in her ear, "I'm right here babe, I'm not leaving and neither are you." Staying in the hug for a moment, when they parted, Eleven ram to Addison, "Missed you sister"

"I missed you as well El, but it's only been two weeks since we've seen you" After Mike and Hopper went for a conversation, Eleven made an awkward conversation with Max, "She'll come around, she has to if she wants to stay in my life"

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