4 - my many fathers - Wilson

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Wilson is my other dad.

And he is BIG

Like really big.

And he is the reason why I have a bit of Dalmatian in me.

His owners let him out to poop.

And that's when he had met my mom.

To be honest he is quite intimidating.

Really really tall and lanky.

He looks as if someone stretched him really badly after he was born. 

I wish I had long legs like him. But mine are not. They are a bit short.

My dad Wilson can run fast unlike me that topples over after taking two steps.


wait have I told you about my step mom?

Yeah I have a step mom. 

She is also a Dalmatian. And she lives with my dad . In the same house . 

I know it could be bit confusing but we are very LGBTQ+ positive.

We are polysexuals.

( surprised at how I'm more educated about many things than most Sri Lankans????? )

Because my step mom has had babies with my other dad Cho Cho.

So in that sense we are very interconnected. Unfortunately I have never met those babies. I heard they were sold to other families soon after they were born. They said there were like eight of them.

OOOOOFFFFF I can not imagine how competitive the feeding times were.

Also she has two different eye colors. One bluey and the other yellowy. It's a bit weird I know but I can't tell you much about it because she doesn't talk to me.

She seemed so done with her life. 

Boring and sad. 

Ears down and her back hunched.

Every evening  my dad and step mom gets released to pee and poo. That's when I meet them.

Cuz they come near our gate when they get released. 

Anyways my dad Wilson looks so strict and we can hear him bark at people that walk past their home real loud. LIKE REALLY REALLY LOUD.

My mom also begins to bark when she hears him.

And together the gods in the  entire neighborhood begin to bark in unison. 


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PUFF ~THE DOG THAT COULDN'T BARKWhere stories live. Discover now