5 - my many fathers - the ones I do not know

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So ............... I do not know much about my other fathers But I know one of them to be yellowish golden. Cuz I have two gold patches around my neck.

It looks like a fancy color. 


When I was born none of my father's families came to visit us.

SURE , we see each other often and I can hear them talking and barking  . But none of those bitches......... oh sorry dogs came to visit us with child support. 

Like dude, have some class. 

My mom was also not helping our situation. There was something about us drinking milk from her that she disliked. 

She would GURRR and urrrghghhhgh when we try to drink milk from her.

She once bit my sister as well. 

So grandma had to give us powdered milk instead. It was fine.

I forgot to mention, I have no idea how to function.

Like I cannot walk properly.  One leg forward ,face down , on to the ground. It never hurt though . There was a whole bunch of humans watching me.   And they caught me and picked me up whenever they felt like I was in need of a help. I'm not going to lie being with human's is a cold experience. I'm not saying that they were rude to me but it was not the nicest. I like cozying up with my siblings more. 

The disaster struck when one of the girls decided to give us all a bath. It was freezing and I caught a cold from that . 

Imagine being born and then after a week you are like about to die from an illness!

I thought I have had enough of this world back then when I had the cold. I was sneezing every five minutes and it sucked ass.


I may not be a posh dog with a pure breed history , but boy my grandma got money to spend. Also one of the boys this one day bought three of us  three different neck ties. They looked a bit classy. And mine was blue, the colour of royalty.  

Walking in the grass and eating them was one of my past times. Sunbathing and running is the well maintained garden became my favorite thing.

But little did I know that this hole thing was about to change.


PUFF ~THE DOG THAT COULDN'T BARKWhere stories live. Discover now