Nowadays - July 2022

13 2 19

Life sucks .

SOooooooooo freaking bad.

There was a time when I refused to eat beef and pork because what I wanted was chicken. Chicken only. I even refused to eat eggs. But for me now eggs are a luxury.

Guess what I'm eating nowadays?




















bloody FISH 

They smell so bad .

and they got like little bones and stuff in there which is pretty annoying.

Like I once  there was a time where I refused to eat beef seafood or pork  because for me they were not as tasty as chicken . Ans speaking of chicken I hated eating eggs. They were always mixed in with rice and I had to eat lot of rice because mom grated the eggs over it , making it impossible to eat the eggs and leave the rice behind. 

But now having an egg is like eating diamonds!!!!!!! 

I heard dad saying so . 

I have no idea what diamonds are but they must be pretty rare .  Because I don't even remember the last time I saw an egg.

I have been eating fish for weeks now. And that was also coming from the most distasteful ones.  Like those small sardines with a billion bones in tem. I have thrown up many times cuz they got stuck in my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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