Chapter 10

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It was completely dark by the time Mira arrived. The house was quiet as well, and she assumed that her family must have been asleep. She quickly and quietly snuck through her house to her bedroom.

Upon pushing the door open, Mira's heart nearly jumped out of her chest. Her mother was sitting on her bed, looking out the window with the curtains wide open. She stopped in her tracks and her mother turned to look at her.

"Mira," she said quietly, tears in her eyes, "I don't know what I'm going to do with you."

"Mother. I was just, I... I was in town and I got lost—"

"I know you've been going into the forest, Mira. Don't bother making up an excuse."

Mira walked closer to her. "I'm sorry."

"Who is it that you've been going to see? Where did you get that new cloak? What happened to your old one?"

"His name is Tajo. He made me this because I lost my old one." Mira bit her bottom lip, considering whether or not she should tell her mother that it was Hayden's fault she lost it.

"How did you lose it?"

"It ... it got... it got ripped up," she stuttered, looking at the ground.

She sighed. "Mira. I just want you to be safe, that's all."

"I know, Mother. I'm sorry."

She wrapped her arms around Mira and pulled her into a hug. "Oh I love you so much, dear."

Mira wrapped her arms around her in return. "I love you too, Mother."

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