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Hardly ever did anything interesting come strolling into my life. So I stopped trying to seek it out. And I was content with my life like that. I just comfortably ran my private inn on the quiet side of town. Business was slow, and so many times I got return customers staying here. Again, I was okay with that. A quiet simple life was all I really needed.

But something interesting did come strolling into my life. It was one late evening when I was out buying supplies that I spotted someone who stood out from the other people walking down the road. Judging by his clothing, it was obvious to me that he was from the countryside and likely hadn't spent much time in a big city before. I headed back, just quietly ignoring the stranger. And that didn't work.

Not two hours later, he walked into my inn. I managed to get a better view of him then. He looked young, but also not particularly young. The clothes he was wearing were battered and ripped up and I couldn't help but wonder how old they were. He didn't carry much with him, just a small bag and a deer skull.

I looked up at him and smiled my typical friendly smile. "Hi, I'm Maddison, welcome to my inn! You seem new around here... where are you from?"

He muttered something about coming from a village up north before saying, "I saw on a sign... that you can stay here? You have rooms?"

I tilted my head in mild confusion, while also suppressing the urge to laugh. "Ay, that's what an inn is. We house travellers, mostly people who are just passing through. But anyone can stay here temporarily." I gestured up to a board posted on the wall behind me. "Here are our prices..." I started to say, before realising that he probably doesn't have anything to pay with.

He glanced cluelessly between me and the board, and I swore I could see the dots connecting in his mind. "Oh. Like... money? I've got..." He reached into his bag and pulled out a handful of gold coins, like the kind of thing that would be used in mediaeval times.

He set them down on the table and I could not suppress my wonder and excitement. "What... this is genuine?" I picked up one of the coins and examined them closely. "How did you manage to get your hands on this?"

He shrugged. "I suppose... I just like to collect things."

I started plucking the coins off of the table and tucking them into my pocket. "It's about twenty quid for a room a night, but this works for now." I picked up my pen and dipped it in ink and brushed off my resident list. "So, what's your name?"

"It's... it's Tajo."

"That's an interesting name..." I said as I wrote it down, not sure if I even spelled it right. "And... your surname?"

He stared at me with a blank expression on his face. "Surname?"

"Yes, like... Oh, nevermind. Tajo it is, then." I tugged a key out of the drawer in front of me and gestured for him to follow. "Come now, I'll show you where your room is." He nodded and followed me as I headed upstairs to the rooms. The one I gave him was on the end, and was a bit smaller than some of the others.

I unlocked the door and pushed it open. "Here we are," I said. "We serve breakfast in the dining hall until about ten, the front desk is open for most of the night, so don't be afraid to ask if you need anything."

He nodded again, remaining quiet.

I tilted my head slightly. "Where'd you say you were from?"

"A small village up north. I don't remember the specific name... I didn't expect it to be so far..." He muttered that last part.

"I see... Well, what brings you to Edinburgh? You seem new to big cities."

He shrugged. "I just wanted to see some new sights, I suppose."

"Anyway," I sighed, "Again, if you need anything, just let me or any of the staff know. Have a good night, Ta...jo...?" I patted him on the shoulder and headed back downstairs to the front desk. As I sat down to continue my reading, I laughed to myself.

"How strange."

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