Chapter 2

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                              I have never met anyone like Snow White before. As soon as she climbed up the tree, I realized she was different than anyone I had ever met. Princesses normally don't climb up trees. Usually, they would prefer to do embroidery or have tea. I am delighted to have a good friend like her.   

                         Since that meeting, we have become wonderful friends. I visited her as often as I could. We play many games together like tag and hide and seek. She shows me her favorite books at the royal library, and I show her mine. 

                        One day she and I went to catch frogs. We went over to the pond in the gardens and found the frogs. With little effort, she grabbed one.

                      "How do you do it?" I asked.

                     "I stay patient and wait for the right moment, and then I catch it! Go on; you try," she said.

                     I waited for a moment, then tried to catch it, but I missed.

                    "Wait for them to settle, then take that moment to catch them," she explains.

                    I followed what she said, went and caught one! But the slimy frog slipped from my hands, and I fell into the pond.

                   "Are you alright?" she asked.

                   "I am fine," I said.

                    "Try again," she said.

                   I tried one more time and, at last, caught one! "You did!" she exclaimed.

                   I sat down next to her, and we examined the frogs together.

                  A thought I ponder often came to my mind again, and at last, I asked her about it. "Why are you different than the other princesses?"

                 "What do you mean?" she asked.

                "Princesses I have seen never would catch frogs or climb trees, so why do you?"

                She looked out and thought for a moment, then she shrugged and looked at me. "My parents told me I should be myself. This is how I am whether you like it or not."

                "I like it. You are way better than the other stuffy princesses," I said.

                 She smiled, "Thanks! Now enough about me, what about you?"

                 "Me? What do you mean?" I asked.

                "From what I have seen of the other princes, they couldn't have cared less for how I act, especially the older ones, but you accepted me for who I am. Why?" she asked.

              "Well, it's because I know what it's like not to be accepted. My parents and brothers love me, but they want me to focus more on sword fighting and politics instead of music and art. Also, I found you more fascinating than anyone I have ever seen," I said.

               "Thanks, but why don't your parents want you to do music and art?" she asked.

               "Because they thought it's a waste of time. That sword fighting and politics can serve the kingdom better than the arts," I explained.

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