Chapter 3

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                                                                                   Snow White

                              Since then, Richard and I have been courting. I never thought I would be so happy. He brings so much joy and color to my life. 

                             But then things started to go wrong. My mother became ill. At first, they thought it was a simple cold, and they gave her medicine along with some soup. However, over time it gets worse. She coughs violently, and her headaches are in such violent pain.

                          One evening, she called for me. I stood before her at her bed. Her skin looks so pale, and her face grimaces in pain. "Snow White, my dearest daughter, I'm afraid my time is running short," my mother said, her voice dry and raspy from the illness.

                          "Mother, please don't talk anymore," I said, worrying she might hurt herself doing so.

                       Father helped my mother drink a glass of water. "Take it slow, dear," he said.

                       Mother took a deep breath and spoke again, "I want you to know that I love you very dearly. No matter how hard times can be, be strong and follow your heart. I want you to be happy. That is my greatest wish for you. I love you, my precious daughter." I, my mother, and my father hug each other as we know it will be our last hug with each other.

                     Those words were the last words I heard from my mother. Since then, she has been in so much pain and sick that she couldn't utter a word. She keeps coughing out blood, and the doctors do all they can to stop this. I couldn't stand to see this and left.

                   I went to my favorite oak tree. Not knowing what to do about what's happening, I sit and lie against the trunk.

                 Suddenly, I heard foots steps and turned to see Richard. "Are you doing alright?" he asked. I went into his arms and buried my face in his chest. "Richard, I am so worried for mother. I want to have hope that she will live, but I am losing that hope, bit by bit."

                "Don't lose hope, Snow White. If it comes to the worse conclusion, she wouldn't want you to be sorrowful." said Richard. "I will be by your side no matter what happens."

                 I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes, and all I could manage out was, "Thank you, Richard."

                The following day, Mother passed away. I didn't know it would hurt this much. When they told me the news of her death, I gasped and whispered, "No, no." before sobbing in my father's arms.

               The whole kingdom was in mourning for the Queen. The sun had lost all it's shine and the streets are quiet as the funeral progress. My father, Richard, and I follow the carriage carrying my mother's coffin to the royal crypt. If I could have any wish granted I would have wish my mother back, but of course that would never happen.

               Once the funeral came to a close, I walked out of the crypt and went to the East side of the building. There, a weeping willow tree sway to the wind. I collapse and sob all my heart out. Why did she had to leave? I hope the day would come when she see me as a bride and someday hold my first baby, but now that would never happen!

              I don't know how long I have sobbed until I heard my father's voice, "Snow White." I turn to see him a few feet away from me. "Oh, father!" I cried as I went into his embrace. 

             As my tears spilling down my face all over again, my father rub my back comforting me. "Why did she had to go?" I asked.

            "Her time is done, but she will forever be in our hearts," my father explained.

            As we both look at the sky, I could feel my mother's love like the warmth of the sunlight on my skin. It is going to take some time to heal, but I knew my mother would want me to be happy and not be sorrowful of her passing. I whisper in the wind as if she is hearing at that moment, "I love you, mother."

Snow WhiteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin