Chapter 5

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                                                                                     Snow White

                       Almost a year has passed since my first meeting with Lady Cassandra, and I notice that she is coming not for help anymore but more to be with my father. I could see that they are becoming good friends. It is lovely to see my father smiling again, and he has a way to make her laugh, her laughter sounds like delightful bells.

                       Lady Cassandra and I got along well. She and I will discuss not only the happenings throughout the kingdom but also beautiful stories that we both love.

                      One day, Lady Cassandra and I were at the gardens discussing more books. "Have you read The Knight's Kiss?" I asked.

                       "Oh, yes, I have! I absolutely love it! It is romantic and warms my heart reading it. What is your favorite scene?" asked Lady Cassandra.

                        "That would be the scene where he holds her in his arms and told her she is his kingdom, his world, his life," I replied "What about you? What is your favorite scene, Lady Cassandra?" I asked.

                        "That would be, when Caspian and Celine share their first kiss, a perfect love share between them. Celine knows she love him with all her heart, for he respects, care, protect, and love her," Lady Cassandra replied. 

                        She sighed in such a way that I realize that she must meant more then the book now.

                       "Do you miss your husband, Lady Cassandra? You don't have to answer if you don't want to," I said.

                         She took a deep breath, and smile at me. "It is fine, I do miss him very dearly. He is always in my heart. I know that he would want for me to be happy and not forever mourn him. I never thought that the happiness awaits me is. . ." she trailed off.

                         She was silent for a moment, I wonder why she stopped. "Go on, the happiness awaits you is . . ." I said.

                        She sighed and and turn to face me. "Snow White, I really am grateful for our beautiful friendship, but I am worried that if I say it it would ruin our friendship."

                       "No need to worry, if we are truly friends then whatever you had to say will not destroyed it, " I said.

                       "Alright," she said. She hesitant for a moment then she finally said it. "The happiness awaits for me is your father. I fell in love with him."

                       I was shock. I did not expect her to say that at all. As I took in this piece of news, I notice that Cassandra is carefully watching me. "Snow White, do you despise me?"

                        Her question caught me off guard. "No, why would you say that?"

                        "Because if your father does love me and want to marry me, you will think I am replacing your mother. I would never replace your mother Snow White, she is dear to you and your father and a great queen. I am me, Cassandra, not a lady replacing your mother." She looked away for a moment and sighed. "That is if your father loves me in return."

                      I realize how hard this is for her to tell me. I do miss mother and wish she was here everyday, but I think like Cassandra said she would want father to be happy, although I don't know his feelings for Cassandra are. Also, I am glad she recognize how much my mother means to me and reassures me. Besides there's enough sadness, there should be happiness.

                    I hold onto her hands. "Cassandra, thank you for reassuring me. I believe you and I believe father should be happy, don't you?" I asked.

                    She gives me smile, that's absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. "Thank you, Snow White! I was so worry."

                    I shook my head. "You needn't worry, go and follow your heart." I said.

                    She got up, "I am going to tell him now," she went off running. Behind her shoulder she called out, "Thank you, Snow White."

                   I smiled. Now that I think about Father has been more happy lately and Cassandra is kind, sweet, and caring. Perhaps this is what meant to be.

                   In a week, My father and Cassandra announced they are going to get married.

                  I am happy for them, for they both deserve happiness. I was sitting underneath the oak tree in the royal gardens when Richard came up to me.

                 "I heard the news, how are you feeling?" he asked.

                  "If you are worried, that I will feel betrayed don't be. True, I wish things stay the same as they were, but the more I open my eyes, the more I realize father is happy with Cassandra. After all don't we all deserve happiness?" I said.

                    He wrap me in his arms and kissed my forehead. "Yes, we all do."

                     The day of the wedding has arrived. Cassandra looks absolutely happy, her eyes shining with love as she looks upon my father. My father smiles happily with tears in his eyes as she walk down the aisle to him.

                      They said their vows, then the priest said, "I announced you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." My father kiss Cassandra soft and gentle.

                       It is amazing and interesting to know that Cassandra is now my stepmother, but all in all I am happy that things are becoming better. I wonder what awaits in the future for me and Richard, only time will tell.

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