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[With the other brother]

In the village there were many alleyways and who else would know them better then the kid who uses them to help escape beatings everyday? His blonde hair covered in dust, and his clear blue eyes that were similar to his brothers but not exactly, his face was covered with bits of dried blood and dirt as he stalked the villagers while hiding within his hiding spot. His clothes on day 1 were as white as the clouds on a sunny day but now his clothes were brown almost black. It helped him blend in with the dark and had other uses but it didn't help the fact that it was very very dirty. It annoyed him a lot but given his circumstances he couldn't do much about it. 

"sigh nothing can ever go our way can they?" whispered the boy to himself. It was so soft even he himself could not hear it. His voice was a bit rusty as if his vocal cords had tired themselves out. Well he did scream quite a bit when they burned him. It still hurts but that wasn't the point. He still needed to find food that was edible for both him and his brother. At first he planned to go to the forest of death since it was be somewhat easier but he realized that there were ninjas training there and if anything was worse then villagers it would be ninjas who hated him and his brother so he choose the latter and here he was hiding behind a barrel of who knows what and right in front of him was crowds of villagers. 

He had a plan. Well it needs some revising but that wasn't the point. The plan was that he go and pickpocket some villagers while using a mask to cover his whiskers since his hair itself was already a whole different color. 

He took a huge breath in and let it out before gathering all his confidence in order to get a somewhat better chance of succeeding his so called plan. And action! He grabbed a mask that he made and put it on, heading towards the crowd of villagers who didn't even notice or give a glance towards him. He started to run in and soon he bumped into someone. Within the motions of falling down he quickly pickpocketed the man. "Watch where you're going kid, haa kids have no manners these days." The man said. The boy quickly apologized and started running again but this time towards the alleyway not soon after. 

The boy went and quickly found a hiding spot, sat down, and started counting the things that he stole from the man. "A bag full of at least 400-500 ryos... thats good enough to get at the most of 26 ramen bowls. Man this guy was walking around with gold or something. Well that was good. The boy thought hard for a bit and had a bit of an argument with himself of whether he should buy bread or ramen with the money that he had just stolen. But it was too troublesome so he headed towards where he left his brother and decided that it should be up to his brother.

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