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"Naruto." called out Sasuke. 

Within seconds Naruto quickly turned around, his eyes practically lost of all spirt. He stood there for a few seconds before actually answering back.
"What?" in a quiet voice which probably couldn't be heard by even the best normal ears. 

But luckily for Sasuke he was so used to it that he had to actually train his senses even more in order to actually communicate with his 'friend'.

"So it's kinda insensitive but basically the whole groups been wanting to ask you and they're being so obvious that its getting annoying but uh, how did your brother die?" 

"Bruh who the actual fuck goes to someone and ask them that? Sasuke have you ever heard of SUGARCOATING your words????" Sakura responded as she slammed her hand on her face. Why was she always around these kinds of people. 

"Its fine Sakura, it would've been weirder if he actually sugarcoated his words. Also I'd prefer you not either." 

Sasuke just stared at Sakura in a 'Are you kidding with me right now?' look and just turned back to Naruto as he raised his eyebrows encouraging him to start. 

"I just killed him, why?" 

Sakura just had her mouth hang open as a fly slowly flied into it. "SHIT, EW WTF" She slowly started spitting and grabbed a handkerchief to wipe her mouth. And followed a few more coughs. 

"Uh- okay. But why did you kill him?" said Sasuke while watching Sakura suffer as she started to frantically run around the group and back to the village to get some water. 

"Because he wanted me to. He was dying. He had gotten beaten up by the villagers to the point of where he was going to die by all means. Plus the quote on quote 'best medic in the world' Tsunade was there and didn't care saying, and I quote "I don't have the time for this. Stop joking." 

A head had popped out of a nearby tree. "Ayo isn't she like your god mother or something??" 

 "Does that even actually matter?" 

"Uhhh usually yeah." 

"Not to her I suppose." 



"Why are you still hanging upside down? Go back." 

"Oh yeah-"

The head quickly disappeared and Sasuke just standing there still thinking of what to think.

 Naruto looked around and Sakura was still not back. He sighed as he turned to the nearest tree and jumped up to a branch strong enough for him to sit on. 

Sasuke, not wanting to step or sit on spider webs just sat by a nearby rock as they waited for dearest Sakura.

An awkward silence filled the air.

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