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Naruto's POV:

'It smells here, wonder why'
Mommy look, that kids covered in dirt!'
'Honey don't ever look at that monsters direction! You'll catch the filth from him'
'Haa, look at that dirt over there.'
'Even a rodent is better then that shit'                                                                                                                  'Isn't he the child the 4th hokage seal-'
'Hush! We can't talk about it in public remember?'
'Whatever, it's not like nobody knows plus wouldn't it be better for the next generation to know of him so they could be safer away from him?'
'You're not wrong but the 3rd said we'll get a death sentence otherwise, who knows if there are any Anbus larking around or being off duty! They could easily report us.'
'Yeah but honestly would they?'

Ha- They're pretending as if I can't hear them, as if I was just a mindless beast roaming around not knowing anything. Hypocrites. They are shameless, even I knew to that extent. 

Whatever... I have to find my brother and staying here isn't gonna help.

The 'Villain'Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang