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Junon, like Midgar, was really two cities instead of just one. Above us loomed Upper Junon, built right into the side of the cliffs facing the ocean, and below it was Lower Junon, a fishing town that looked like it had seen better days since I'd last been here. The buildings were mostly high above ground on tall beams, probably in case of flooding, and the few that weren't were mostly near the base of the cliffs and a ways from the shore. A lot of them were badly in need of paint or repairs, and the sun was lost behind the bulk of Upper Junon.

"What happened here?" I wondered. "It's so run-down..."

Yuffie held her nose. "I know, Cloud! And the smell, it's like mako, but worse. Like something's mixed in with it."

"Fish," Red explained. "Dead fish, for the most part."

She groaned. "Ugh! I think you're right."

On my other side, Jessie sighed. "Not much we can do about it. So what's the plan, guys? Looks like we got here in time."

We all stood near the town's entrance, listening to the low bustle of people going about their business as they gave us a few curious stares. I ignored them as I thought about Jessie's question. We'd just arrived not long ago, two and a half days after leaving Fort Condor. After dropping us off, Drake had said goodbye, stocked up on some supplies, and had left to deliver them back to the fortress.

Barret took a few steps forward, then turned around and looked at us. "I know jus' what to do, Jessie! Made it here nice an' early, so let's go have us a look around. Parade don't start 'till tomorrow, so that gives us all the time we need to scope out the place."

"Good idea," Tifa agreed.

I nodded. "Yeah, let's do that. Better split up, though. Two or three groups. That way we'll draw less attention."

Aerith smiled at Jessie. "Ready when you are, Jessie!"

"Huh?" she blinked, startled. I thought I saw a flicker of uneasiness in her eyes, but then she quickly caught herself and giggled. "Okay. But how about we have Cloud come with us?"

"Thought you'd wanna have some girl time," I said.

Jessie slid her arm through mine and laughed. "Thanks, but I don't mind letting you tag along, merc. That okay?"

"Sure," I agreed.

"Then off we go!" Aerith chuckled.

Tifa pointed across the road. "There's an inn over there. Let's check in first before we go looking around."

We did that, heading over and getting set up for the night. Luckily, they had more than enough rooms for us—it didn't look like they got a whole lot of business here, no doubt since most people probably stayed in the fancier places in Upper Junon instead. Once we got all settled in and put our things away, we went back outside.

While Barret led the others toward the far end of town and the tall round tower leading to Upper Junon, I followed Aerith and Jessie. The roads were mostly dirt and paved stones, and as we made our way past several rows of homes and shops and went left onto another street, the salty smell of the ocean filled the air. It got stronger as we got closer to the shore, and oddly enough, so did the stench of mako. Didn't make a whole lot of sense, though. There weren't any reactors here, at least that I could see. Just the bulk of Junon rising up the cliffs.

At the end of the road, the ground ahead of us sloped down to the beach, and we went down a short flight of stone steps to reach it. A few people were out here playing in the sand as the waves rolled in, and the afternoon sun—at least what we could see of it—was warm and bright. But the place wasn't nearly as crowded as I'd expected it to be, probably because of the huge metal tower standing nearby.

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