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The last act of the play opened with Cloud locked in a cell deep in the dungeons of Guardia. He was sitting silently in the gloom, a pile of rubble on his right and a torchlit corridor on his left past the bars. The walls were fitted stone, unlike the rest of Varvados' metal fortress. The holographic background was really detailed, both its visuals and sound totally immersive as they effortlessly set the mood.

"I must away!" Cloud stood up at last and grabbed onto the bars. "I cannot allow my comrades to have fallen in vain! Release me now! My blade thirsts for vengeance and hungers for justice!"

Just then, I rushed down the passageway, now in a white gown like the one I'd worn earlier, sleeveless and trimmed in gold. I wore bracers on my wrists and a crowned tiara on my head. Ruby was with me, too, in a tight-fitting suit of tough, dark leather armor. Her footsteps didn't make a sound as she crept along at my side.

"Alphreid!" I called, sighing in relief. "Are you unharmed?"

Cloud's eyes widened as we approached the door to his cell. "Rosa! How did you find me? And why is Regina with you?"

I smiled. "Your woeful cries could not help but reach mine ears. As for my sister, a clever trick and my given word earned her a place at my side. I could not have come this far without her."

"Can you free me from this stifling tomb?" he asked.

"'Tis child's play!" Ruby smirked.

She took a set of thin metal tools from a pouch on her belt and got to work picking the lock. While she did that, Cloud hurried to the back of his cell and retrieved his sword and shield, then returned. Ruby had a blade of her own as well, short and slender as it hung from her hip in a plain leather scabbard, and I had my magic. Only a moment later, the door swung open, and Cloud rushed into the hall.

I embraced him. "Thank the Goddess! I would stay in your arms a while longer, my love, but we must move quickly."

Cloud nodded. "Of course. You have Minerva's gift?"

"Yes," I assured him as we all got moving. "Regina and I journeyed in haste to the Font before traveling here."

"Good," he said, taking the lead. "This way!"

We hurried back up the passageway but hadn't gone very far when a strange, thick mist swept toward us from the other end. It enveloped us and hid the dungeons from sight. It was a great effect, like the rest of the holographic projections, and bathed the stage in an eerie light. For a moment, all we could see was each other. Then the fog finally cleared and we found ourselves in the castle's main hall.

But we weren't alone. In front of us stood Varvados, who was being played perfectly by Zander in a suit of black and red armor that was all sharp curves and pointed horns with steel dragon wings fitted onto the back, and a mask that covered the upper half of his face. With a sweep of his arm and a blast of holographic fire aimed at the stone floor right in front of us, he brought us to a sudden halt.

"Pray take not another step, gentle Rosa," he said.

"Varvados..." I breathed.

As Cloud stepped forward with his hand on his sword hilt, Zander laughed coldly. "So, would the cur defy his captor?"

"Aye," Cloud drew his sword. "By the grace of the Goddess! As She has set me free, even now, so too shall she guide my blade! And that of she who I gladly call sister! Regina's right to be here and face you is no less than mine. And Rosa's spells will find their mark!"

Then a hulking, shadowy form materialized next to Zander. It was Garm, the black wolf. As he gazed at us with his blazing red eyes, Ruby immediately stiffened and drew her own blade. She was quivering with rage, and a low, deep growl escaped her throat.

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 3: PursuitWhere stories live. Discover now