chapter 4

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Ash had a wonderful job, he actually has been loved by many students due to his way of teaching but also feared for his anger. Make a bet with him and he will win at any cost, Dumbledore has tried to win a game with him but the only thing he got out of it are empty pockets. Even the students tried but failed.

One of the things you should know about his godly days,he spends quite a lot of time with Eros or better known as Cupid. Eros/Cupid has only come close in his internal bet he made with the king of bets only ending up with a tie in setting up people. Ash has a never ending thirst for drama, if you want to know the tea you just go to him and he'll tell you without any hesitation.

Ash has noticed one of his students, has been blushing around a certain girl. "Nathan!" Ash called out his students name "Y-yes Professor!" Nathan snapping out of his daydream "I asked you about how will you know what beacon your activating" Ash told him the question "Using anemo!" Nathan said everyone in class was laughing at him "Blainely what is the answer?" Ash asked "By seeing the symbol on top of the beacon" Blainely answered "Correct!" Ash announced.

The class went on, until the lunch bell chimes, everyone wasa line on there way out Nathan was about to leave until a small tornado pushed him back and made him face Ash who was on his elevated chair. "Do you need anything Professor?" Nathan asked "It seems like you have a liking on Ms. Rose" Ash revealed the boys feelings for his classmate "Wh-wha... I don't have a crush on B-blainely!" Nathan stammered "It's quite obvious" Ash said "Does she now?" Nathan lowered his head "No. Blainely may be smart but quite oblivious" Ash giggled Nathan sighed in relief "Take my advice you must tell her your feelings now or never" Ash gave some advice to the boy "I will!" Nathan said "Here you go buy some new shoes for both you and your brother" Ash handed him a bag of mora "Are you sure sir!?" Nathan said surprised ash nodded, Nathan soon bursted out crying hugging his professor saying thank you "There there time to let go, your getting my clothes soaked" Ash joked Nathan let go of him "How will I ever repay you?" Nathan asked grabbing the bag of mora "You can repay me by confessing to Blainely and acing this semester" Ash said "I'm gonna ace everything with flying colors!" Nathan said determined "Go on you might not be able to get a seat in the lunch table" Ash said "Thanks again Professor!" Nathan thanked while running to the lunch hall.

{A few years later}
"This year's validictorian!" Dumbledore announced "Is Nathan Pegg!" Dumbledore announced the crowd roared "Great work son" Dumbledore shook Nathan hand "Thank you headmaster" Nathan thanked "Our validictorian has a speech prepared" Severus announced "I'm really surprised that I'm the validictorian, and making this speech. My parents died protecting me and my brother, so I had to support myself and my brother" Nathan started to tear up "Everything wouldn't have been possible without Mr. Ketchum's help, he helped me with everything. He got me in the quidditch team helped me. THANK YOU SO MUCH MR. KETCHUM!" Nathan yelled out Ash walked towards him and hugged him and handed him a handkerchief "If you need any help I will be there" Ash said that was when Blainely another validictorian came and kisses him right and on stage "I love Nathan Pegg!" Blainely confessed "I love you too!" Nathan replied and they kissed the crowd roared ash smiled "Dumbledore where's my dough!" Ash yelled at Dumbledore "Here you go" Dumbledore gave him about a box filled with mora "hehe hehe" Ash laughed like a leprechaun with his pot of gold "He looks like goblin" Blainely said "Do you want me to take away your diploma, missy!?" Ash threatened "Ehe no need for that" Blainely said.

Ash decided to go on a journey since the towns people we're getting suspicious because how was he getting money while he was in the woods all the time? So he decided to resign for a while until the sand storm cleared, he was stayed there long enough to meet Harry Potter and his golden trio he deeply cared for Harry just like he cared for Nathan. Lots of tears we're shed when he was leaving, "Be careful out there" a 24 year old Percy said "Who's older between us?" Ash joked "Please don't go!" Buck said. Buck was like ash's adoptive son since he saved him from team rocket at the just 5 months ago such little time made him feel attached to the young boy. "Don't worry about it Buck I'll be back and visit" Ash patted his head "It was nice working with you, kid" Severus said "Heh you gonna miss how we pick each other's black clothing?" Ash asked "Maybe a little" Severus replied "Here you go gift from all of us" Dumbledore gave a hat. The hat had words written inside of it some saying "Goodbye will miss you" or "You'll have fun out there just like I did" "Thank you very much" Ash put the hat on his head and left with Pikachu in his PokeBall.

Ash made lots of friends he even got himself a girlfriend, to ash she's the most beautiful, kindest, caring person he has ever met. Ash seemed to have no regrets in life since he looks so carefree but actually his an uptight guy, go by the rules, he had lots of regrets in life the greatest regret he had was not telling Lillie about his past life, and when he dies he will return as a god which made ash scared if he might die at an early age and he'll leave Lillie all alone he never wanted her to feel lonely.

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