The Westfell Pass

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Through the journey, Zia noticed Jay kept stealing glances at her with a curious expression on his face. The main reason she noticed was because she was doing the same, quickly looking his way when she thought he wasn't looking. She knew that Jay must have many questions for her, like how she became a Thief and where she had disappeared to after Daxtor's failed execution. But every time she stole a glimpse at the Captain, she couldn't help but remember what had happened last time they had met.

The small company made good time to the entrance of the Pass, just as Will had said, and they decided to make camp at the mouth of the canyon.

The fire glowed brightly in contrast to the dark blackness of the night. The warmth that emanated from the flames made Zia's skin tingle with relief. It had been a bitterly cold day, and the wind howled through the entrance of the Westfell Pass as though a pack of wolves were lurking within. Zia stared into the flames. The logs crackled and parted, spitting out a spew of glowing ashes that floated through the air.

Zia was pulled back to reality when the dark form of Heath sat down next to her, rubbing his hands in front of the flames to rescue them from their chill.

"Quite the ride, huh?" Heath said, blowing hot air on his hands before returning to rub them over the flames.

Zia did not reply, she just continued to stare into the bright fire.

"You are awfully quiet," Heath observed. When Zia made no move to answer, he said, "What's the matter? You're never this silent."

"Shut up, Heath," she said distractedly.

"Come on, Zia," Heath said. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Talk to me."

She turned to face him. He was no longer rubbing his hands, but instead his full attention was on her, studying every inch of her face. His eyebrows were drawn in a look of concern, and Zia relented.

She looked back into the light of the dancing, flickering flames. Taking a deep breath, she whispered, "I'm scared, Heath."

"What? Why?" He lowered his voice. "Did you smell Ike's boots too?

Zia wanted to laugh, but she didn't seem to be able to. "I fear that my past is coming back to haunt me."

"How so?"

"You remember the Guard I told you had brought me back to Daxtor after my trip to the market?"

He nodded. "Of course. How can I forget when my friend's fate was changed by him?"

"That Guard was Jay, the Captain," Zia whispered.

Heath was shocked by this. Zia hardly ever talked about her past, and most of what Heath knew had come from the lips of Arch or Ike. "It was him?" Heath looked across the camp. There stood Jay just a few meters away, conversing with his two men and Will, the navigator. They were no doubt planning the journey from this point on. As though he could feel unseen eyes on him, Jay looked up from the map he was poring over and his eyes fell upon Heath.

Heath didn't know whether to feel angry or grateful to the Captain. He had been the one to return Zia to her father, and when Daxtor beat her that night, Arch was able to rescue her, which ultimately led to her being beside Heath today, but Jay was also the person who had condemned her to feel such pain.

Looking back at Zia, Heath asked, "And why are you scared of him?"

"I'm not sure," she admitted. She couldn't explain it, even to herself, but somehow she felt that if Jay turned up after twelve years, what would stop Daxtor from doing the same? Even now she was still his prisoner.

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