Chpt 4: That Dam, Crusty Old Karen

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TW: Homophobic slurs and an annoying Karen. No offense to anyone named Karen! I myself am part of the LGBTQ+ community and it disgusts me that these scenarios happen nearly every day. Ignore them and move on. Be whoever the hell you want to be. They're not worth your time.


Nico's POV:

This was it. We made it! 

To the people in Los Angeles, we looked like a weird pair of people. Me laughing like I just resurrected Frankenstein and an un-dead Percy dripping wet from Elysium's Olympic swimming pool, not that any of the mortals knew that.

Since I was worn out from all the Shadow traveling, Percy, being the sweet guy he is, offered to carry me piggyback style to our destination instead, not questioning why it was a random train lavatory all the way out in Missouri. I know, what are the odds to be headed all the way there but Father was very specific on our next stop to Gotham City.

During my muscular and comfy taxi ride, I was self-conscious while being carried through the huge tourist crowds. I'm from the 1930-40s, being openly gay was frowned upon, so sue me if I tried and failed to make myself look like a girl. Though any unwanted people wet their pants when they were given the wolf-glare premium from my Percy.

Eventually, we reached our destination: Bus Station 9 and 3/4. A straight passage to the train's lavatory. Climbing on, the driver winked at us mumbling what a cute couple we were, and I thought for once this was gonna be a great day. That was until that dam, crusty old Karen decided to make a homophobic comment in front of us.

Percy and I were minding my own business, trying to get some sleep, with me laying my head on Percy's shoulder when the insolent mortal came along and said, "Excuse me. Are you male or female?"

Percy being the sassy bitch he is said, "Of course, I'm a man. And a dam good looking one at that."

This Karen flushed. "Well young man, you should cut your hair. It's too long and improper for being a male."

This was my cue to butt in, "Miss, you can't talk seeing as you have short hair too."

"Well, that's different!" 

"How so?" My Seaweed Brain asked. He could tell that I was getting pissed by now, so much that the shadows were slowly creeping towards this annoying woman. So in comfort, he held my hand. Unfortunately, the Karen noticed.

"Oh, God! I've been talking to G9y Pe0pl3?! Oh, Lord have mercy for me committing to these sins! Art thou is ashamed, please forgive my crimes!" At this point, the Karen was on her knees her hands together screaming at the bus roof. It amused and disgusted me how people could be so closed-minded.

The Karen looked around and realized the other passengers were looking at us in disgust. This probably gave her a boost of confidence. So long story short we were kicked off the bus, not before the driver gave us double the amount of fair we paid to them, a silent apology I assumed.

Luckily that Karen was going to have hell to pay when she died. I had a specific punishment prepared for her when she stepped into my Father's palace..

Right, back to square one.

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