4 a different perspective

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While ink dv destroy and create we move on to a white void where a 2 skeleton one with a cap and hate covering his upper skull eyelights cyan

The second one was wearing a jacket with blood all over holding a papyrus skull but despite how he looks his face was friendly and unlike the other skeleton his skull did not have hate on his skull only scars

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The second one was wearing a jacket with blood all over holding a papyrus skull but despite how he looks his face was friendly and unlike the other skeleton his skull did not have hate on his skull only scars.

" Insanity do you feel that" the cape wearing skeleton asked the now revealed insanity sans, who only noded " all my life I've felt pulled to this place here now we here bit disappointed nothing here but oh well" the cape wearing skeleton said mon...

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" Insanity do you feel that" the cape wearing skeleton asked the now revealed insanity sans, who only noded " all my life I've felt pulled to this place here now we here bit disappointed nothing here but oh well" the cape wearing skeleton said monologued " now let's see what pulled us to this place" the duo then started moving in a certain direction

Time skip

When they got to there destination they saw a hole in leading to an aus hot land at this the two stop as the cape wearing skeleton turns to insanity and says " well it's your turn to insanity " the cape wearing skeleton said which insanity looked at him with an expression that said 'really' " don't look at me like that last time I went through first I got jumped by marvel zombies I'm lucky I'm a skeleton or I would been in pain dead and a zombie" the cape wearing skeleton said looking at insanity, who lifted his finger to say something then he thought about it and put it back down in defeat.

So insanity walked through the cracks in the au and looked a round only to see no one so he turned back around and signaled the cape wearing skeleton to come through ... only for him not to come in so he signaled for him again annd once more he stayed put, at this point insanity eyelights where gone and he had tik marks on his skull so he came to conclusion that yelling would work so he took a deep breath and yelled.

"DD GET YOUR ASS HEAR NOW OR I DRAG YOU DEATH FUCK" insanity screamed at the now named dd who did come through the portal then stared at Insanity. Insanity just shook his head and walked off


The two walked in to what used to be judgement Hall as it was now a crater but that didn't bother the two because they felt a stong force pulling them towards the center. When they got to the center the saw three Ruby's one black one red one green the black one was calling dd the red one was calling insanity they pick up the ones that calling them and wait for something to happen ... nothing for the past 3 hours insanity was starting to get impatient but before he could do anything they felt magic it was like them only more clean like it hasn't killed before a portal opened then  Out came a female skeleton with four arm claw things out of her back

 nothing for the past 3 hours insanity was starting to get impatient but before he could do anything they felt magic it was like them only more clean like it hasn't killed before a portal opened then  Out came a female skeleton with four arm claw ...

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"Hello boys" the female said " about time you arrived my name in Samantha but just call me anti" anti said look over dd and insanity

"Why are you here" dd asked looking anti
"Do know what this are" dd asked holding up is ruby

Anti us her claw arm thing to grab the green ruby" all will be answered soon all you have to do is put your ruby out" anti said dd and insanity glance at each other before doing as told.

Hello dear readers so glad you like the story so as a gift I'll tell you something about our three new characters. Drum roll please they are all related to fate and dv as to how well find out next chapter hahahaha

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