6 learn something new (edited)

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" so let me get this straight a Science tale sans FROM THE FUTURE told you not to trust some with [In] as the first letter in their name that"

dv asked the three siblings, who of all nodded " so you want me to train you" again the three nodded

" well three more students won't change a thing or 3 more kids" dv mumbled that last part, while anti and dd said yes while insanity did a look that said 'wait what' dv noticed the look and chuckled before saying

" I my have been planning on passing on my powers to someone else speaking of which since you guys are my kids I have to ask do any of you want my powers" they all shook their head no " alright then let me show you your [soon to be] Brothers in Arms" dv opened a bunch of one way portal in these they saw the following sanses

" I my have been planning on passing on my powers to someone else speaking of which since you guys are my kids I have to ask do any of you want my powers" they all shook their head no " alright then let me show you your [soon to be] Brothers in Ar...

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(Fanon) The Dusted Path (Season 1) Stoney StartWhere stories live. Discover now