all GBW holders current locations

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Ink sans- protector of the Multiverse

Killer sans- off Multiverse

Dust sans- off Multiverse but contact was lost, considered MIA

Anti and sci- in universe

Horror- in universe but I'll contact has been cut off

Error- off Multiverse but no contact was made after he left, considered MIA

Nightmare- something happened dreamtale he was last in contact with ink 800 years ago, considered MIA

Outer- has stopped contact with ink but is in universe, considered radio silent

Swap (was blue)- has cut Universe from the outside Multiverse, considered radio silent

Insanity- currently working with the placeholder for nightmare and error

DD- considered KIA

Infected- unknown (best left that way)

Destroyed Multiverse immigrants- unknown

GBW's- scattered across the Multiverse save Swap, outer, ink, killer and error

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