Great Change-2

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Kimiko blinked hard at Raimundo. "Honestly, Rai, put on some more comfortable clothes. You're home now."
And Raimundo, still muddled, looked around his room for some pants and something for on top. When we are at the temple, we eventually stopped wearing kimonos and such unless training, sometimes Master Fung even pays for new clothing for us. I wore a pair of shorts and a plain t-shirt advertising a website called Kimiko was wearing a white t-shirt and a matching white skirt, very girlish with the little pink ribbon tied around her waist, omi and Clay wore casual clothing too, but they left sometime when Raimundo went to find clothing, making it hard for me to describe them. But of course we don't dress like this when we're collecting shen gong Wu. Why would we? It's indecent.
We are xiaolin monks, and must always set an example for those under us. Kimiko and I were still at the table when Raimundo came and joins us, unable to say something annoying like 'hey ladies' or 'Raimundo had entered.' From being so dizzy with that he heard from Chase's palace. Raimundo zipped up his fly. In the quiet you could hear only the patter of rain from outside the temple, although we hoped Omi would have been at school he trained in the rain as he did when Raimundo, Clay, Kimiko, and I arrived. But I may have been wrong. Omi stormed in at this quiet moment, his squirming body swept a few items off the shelves and a few plates off the table. Being a boy, he sowed the seeds of destruction wherever he was. Turns out he was just hungry after training with clay, and overly hyper - as an Omi could be...

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