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All xiaolin monks have an element, Raimundo, Clay, Omi, and Kimiko were blessed with the better known elements.. Wind, Earth, Water, and Fire, however I, Alice Caterwell, am the xiaolin monk of void. There are stories of where I came from and how I got here, but we cannot go into that painful story jut yet. My sister, Clarice Caterwell is no longer with me either, which is part of the same sad story. But now we needed to settle Omi and Clay to their lunch, or chances are, they'd pester Kimiko and I to death. Sadly, we needed to go shopping. At the store, like most stores, there are pastries, passable corn breads, cheeses, meats, and other such things that we liked. The trouble was getting to the store. We lived in a temple, and although we lived fairly close to the store we were just to the left of Jack spicer's large home. To our luck, sometimes Spicer didn't mess with us about his Heylin victory as we were to leave the temple, but I believe the xiaolin warriors hav saved his butt enough times to enjoy peace with him. Actually, we've came in handy to Spicer quite a few times. Times come when then Xiaolin side more than pays it's way. Just such a time was coming. Read on.
But now it was time for lunch from what we had left in the temple's kitchen. Mayonnaise squished between two slices of bread and cups of water. Master Fung looked up from his mayonnaise sandwich. "Do not eat your food so quickly, Clay. You only have so little."
Somebody had to warn him.
"Think of the many people your age who must forage for their food. People who would be glad to be sitting at you place."
"Yes, sir!" Clay responded half-heartedly as his stomach grumbled in protest. He tore into his mayonnaise sandwich, his stomach really is a bottomless pit.
We were eating in silence then until Omi escaped into the training yard. We barely got him to clean his plate. He ran for the temple door, being the only one who wanted to train we decided chores over it, as it always was anymore. He was half wild, was Omi. Young boys are.
"Keep one eye on the sky, Omi." Kimiko called after him. Jack usually attacks when Omi is alone. He has a heli-pack, and a bunch of robots - sure Omi could take down a lot on his own, but surely not all of them. "And remember who lives next door!"
"And watch out for spies!" I added. Kimiko and I exchanged glances. Anything could happen.
Calm finally settled as Kimiko and I drew up chairs for our coffee break. Sure Raimundo an Clay had coffee breaks too, but of course, Clay wanted to do other such things.. Like play with his 'action figures' an Raimundo wanted to play indoor soccer, much to Master Fung's dismay. We lingered over our coffee as the kitchen clocks struck, and then again. Unlike Kimiko I wasn't wrapped in time and other things like that. Raimundo came back in the ninja like attire that he wore when he first came from Chase's palace. I jumped at the sight of him. Hardly ever did we go spy on Chase or other Heylin characters.. It just seemed wrong, not to mention twice in a day. Chase never did much on his own anyway. Sitting alone, reading, whatever he could do to make the large place seem less.. Large? Waiting for visitors that never came. He sits through entire dreary afternoons, alone.
"I'm going to see what the Heylin could be up to!" He said with triumph, grabbing the sword of storm in case. He could bee wait to stick his nose into whatever might be happening.
"Curiosity killed the cat." I said to him.
"He isn't as cute as a cat." Kimiko replied.
Even if Kimiko had tried to ruin the warning saying, it continued to be one of my favorite sayings. Omi would have joined in if He would have been here, I am glad that he didn't.. Being the youngest and most wanted by Chase Young.
We sat on at the table, Kimiko and I. Speaking of Omi, I began to wonder where he had gone off to. For some reason, the worries always seemed to reach me first. A few hours passed and at long last a sound of foot steps came far up our front passage. The nearer the foot steps came the more loudly gasping for air was heard. We set aside our chores, Kimiko, Clay, and I, as Raimundo burst in upon us. Somehow, it seemed that Raimundo was either just coming or going. It was hard for him to settle.
"You'll never guess-"
"Mask off, Rai."
Raimundo pulled off his mask. "Is there any of that coffee left? I'm dry a a-"
"Your hyper enough without Coffee, Rai." I said. "Just tell us what we will never guess."
He took a deep breath. "Where can I start?"
"What happened at Chase's?" I suggested
"Oh.. Uh, some lady was there." Raimundo made big eyes at us.
"Was she a local?" I asked
"Nope! He came from the city." Raimundo tapped his fingers together. "On the subway."
"Ah, if she is from the city she could be a tourist, maybe someone selling something." I said. "Everything is for sale in the city."
"He showed her his fancy clothes and stuff and she said they wouldn't work," Raimundo said.
"Was she selling suits?" Kimiko wondered. Even I found it hard to imagine Chase Young in a suit.
"I don't know." Raimundo replied.
"What was the lady doin'?" Clay asked in interest "sounds like some sorta business to me."
"She seemed very businessy." He said. "But I don't know, she told him how he better dress if he was going to Europe she said that armor wasn't attractive."
"I agree." Kimiko mumbled in response
"Then what?" I asked
Raimundo tapped his chin "oh yeah, then she had chase walk up and down the room."
"What for?"
"To see how Chase walked. I thought it was kinda manly, but I guess she didn't."
"How did all this end, Rai?" I asked, because he was going on forever.
"Your taking as much time as it takes cattle to cross a road" clay explained to Raimundo.
"Money." Raimundo said.
"Money?" Asked Kimiko
Raimundo nodded, "the lady said it would take money to unlock the doors of Europe.. And European girls. No girl in Europe is interested in ungentleman like men. Evidently, they have enough men like that of their own."
We pondered all this. "Go on then, partner." Clay urged.
"Well then Chase payed the lady a lo of money."
"How much?" Kimiko inquired.
"Well, how would I know?" Raimundo said. "He didn't show it to me, but it was a huge wad. What do you guys think this means?"
Everyone stayed and looked at each other, but everyone was spared answering. Omi exploded out of the front passage and was all over us. Omi - flinging himself on the floor, right there on the hardwood. His eyes rolled like a mad horse. We were all on our feet. A chair fell over. A valuable chair.
Kimiko screamed and put her hands over her mouth after yelling "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

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