Another Future

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It was another busy week of collecting shen gong wu, and having mostly terrible showdowns with Jack, who seemed to not even remember me. Eventually, I was able to tear myself away for a visit to Master Fung. Wuya nagged Chase until he had proper style. Another express wagon was forever bringing up a parcel from off the train, so traditional for Chase.  Bolts of fine suits. We were buried alive in all this newness that even Jack carried.

Chattering, complaining heylins fell on us, all because of Wuya's plan to get Chase a wife. Of course, she'd volunteer herself but Chase does no more than reject the poor old soul.

Kimiko, Omi, Clay, Raimundo and I were up half the night every night, chattering amongst ourselves. What should we do?

Time was running out, Raimundo reported. The streamer trunks were crammed full. The luggage tags tied on. He'd come back with the news from Katnappe, very tired, tracking in mud. Then he'd fling himself onto his futon. He was very unhappy at the thought of losing Katnappe to England.

And so I went to see Master Fung, with two cups of black tea in my arms, don't go empty handed to him if you plan on pushing your feelings onto him.

Because a visit to Master Fung was always educational, I wanted to take Omi. But he'd made himself scarce that afternoon - training. And Kimiko was helping him train and I fear I didn't even care what Raimundo and Clay were doing.

So I set off all on my lonesome, across the temple and down into his chambers. I fixed my bun with my bare hands. I looked nice. I crept down the silent stairs to Master Fung's chambers.

One of the other masters down there with Master Fung looked me up and down and saw my kimono was new, for some reason I always made sure to look nice in front of the masters, or at least presentable. He smiled, sadly I couldn't remember his name. "Oh, it's you, Alice. What nice attire."
I thanked him and Master Fung opened his eyes. "Ah, Alice. I've been expecting you." He said calmly. He expects a lot. And he always claims he knows when you're having trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if one day he claimed he knew everything.

I sat down, and if I wanted any advice from him, it was time for the drink. I gave him the black tea which he took a sip of and thanked me for.

"Master Fung, I don't know what to do about it," I started after a few minutes. "The heylin are packing to go this minute. The labels for first class are on the trunks. They're away across the ocean to marry Chase Young, to conquer the world. What can I do? What's become of us?" I let a note of pleading creep into my voice.

"You did right to come to me. I have been thinking about this as well." He adjusted himself up. "We must look carefully into both of your futures."
Both futures?

"Everybody has two futures," Master Fung said. "The future you choose. Or the future that chooses you."

"The future that will choose us if we stay put and do not act, is not a well future."
I worked my hands and sipped at my tea, taking this in.

I turned to go, my mind blank, my eyes blurry, my cup empty. But then behind me Master Fung said "But our other future, Alice. The one we can choose if we dare."

I stood there between one future and another.

"we could go with them." he said.

My stomach rose and fell. My throat was bone dry. My mother had been dragged to her doom in water.

"I.." I mumbled, even I, Alice Caterwell. The Xiaolin monk of void never participated in shen gong wu collection that involved water.

"Sit back down, Alice. You will learn of my plans for the xiaolin monks." 

I flopped right back down and arranged my kimono. 

But Master Fung did a strange thing then. Mysterious. "Here is how good and evil works." He said. Then he put out both his old hands, stretched wide open. "That's how both good and evil works." He thrust his wide-open hands right at me. Right in my face.

But what could that mean? What in the world?


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