An Affectionate Goodbye

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Just at dawn, tugboats nudged the great iron ship into the dock. Whistles blew, announcing our arrival. Beside Kimiko's sleeping form her biggest steamer trunk yawned open. The men would be here for it very shortly. Outside, roustabouts were already..... rousting about. Sea birds cawed. Somewhere beyond our portholes the gangplank rumbled down. 

 We were nearly tuckered out from the gala dinner with dancing to follow. It had gone on far into the night.
Now we had only moments to pack everything up, for the journey on to London. The time had come once more to pack ourselves for shipping.
Raimundo was all aflutter the way he gets. His arms waved as he woke Kimiko.

"Pack up, Raimundo," I said. I have to see to everything.
"Are you ready, Kimiko?" I asked.

And would you believe it? The provoking girl didn't budge. She sat stock-still, rooted to that bed.
"Me?" she said, hand on chest. "Alice, I'm not going to London, England, for pity's sake. The Idea! I'm only seeing you off. I am only here to bid you an affectionate goodbye."
Her eyes popped and goggled. You never saw such astonishment. 
Raimundo, Clay, and I stared.
But kimiko stared right back. "I thought it was perfectly clear," she said maddeningly. "I'm staying on the ship."

We liked to have turned to stone, Raimundo, Clay and I. The ship? Kimiko was staying on the ship? My heart sank. Where to begin with her?

"Oliver and I have reached an understanding," she said.
She looked modestly aside. Also, she would not meet my eye.
Those piercing emerald eyes. The commanding stance. Gorgeous hair. "'Ello,'ello" indeed.

My eyes narrowed. "Kimiko, how did you manage that?"

She sat back. "It was just the other night when I slipped away from the room. And I told Oliver of Jack Spicer's... interest in you. I mentioned the flowers. Baby's breath. The lily of the valley."
Ah. Once Oliver was alone, it brought him around.
Raimundo moaned.

"Kimiko," I said reasonably, "You do understand that you must be there when we create peace.""

"What we've wanted all along, little lady," Clay said.

Kimiko goggled at us. "But I love Oliver. And naturally Oliver loves me," she said. "It was love at first sight."
With Kimiko it always is.

Outside the porthole, carts clattered. Voices called and cried. My head pounded. Time was running out. Time always is. 

"Kimiko," I said to my provoking teammate, "I will make you a deal." 

Kimiko blinked.

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