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I was very happy all thanks to my good sale yesterday; I needed to celebrate it by either going shopping or eating out. I do this whenever I get a big gig at the shop, and yesterday’s was the best.

“Want to go shopping? I asked my girls

“Yes!, yes!!, and damn fucking yes!!!, the girls screamed and jumped off the bed.

“But wait o, why are we going shopping again" Anna asked

“Do I need a reason to shop again” I asked her
in fact forget it, I don’t want you girls to escort me again, I will go alone

“Go alone? That is never going to happen, Anna said

“Not when we are here, Danni completed

I just smiled and walked away into the bathroom to pee first before going to fix breakfast

“So shopping it is, I said and got a 'yay' scream from them.

Two hours later we were already dressed for shopping. It was a Saturday morning, so I wore a fashionova jean and a plain white shirt.

Daniela on the other hand wore a bum shot with crop top, that she got from my wardrobe of course.

Anastasia wore a short gown with sneakers. The girls love style, fashion and class; and are loyal to a fault.

they both have very nice legs and always love to showcase them, at every given opportunity that they get.

We have known each other for many years, starting from primary 5, although we weren’t so close then.

Daniela is the only daughter of a business tycoon; her father provided her with everything she needed, except his attention.

He was always travelling from one country to the other for business; and she was always lonely throughout his travels. I always felt that she clubs and shops a lot because she was lonely; and so is using those things to cover up her hurts.

Back in school she had no particular friends, and this is due to the fact that everyone wanted to be friends with the rich man's daughter. in fact she sponsored almost all her friends expensive lifestyles. She shops in large quantity and gives the rest to her friends and circle.

Anastasia on the other hand is the daughter of a printing press owner; her father handles everything printing, starting from magazines, newspaper, posters, photocopying, typing, making of fliers, ID cards, taking of passports, etc. he also sells stationeries, printing and campus materials.

My dad is a lecturer in Abia state university; he teaches English and literally studies.

Hmm, we sure dressed to kill; infact you cannot see us and not take pictures of the three hot most dressed ladies in Lagos state.

Anastasia and Daniela love provocative outfits, while I on the other hand loves outfits that are decent, yet makes loud statements in public. I don’t mean to boast, but if you see it that way, then so be it; my body has a way of turning a simple outfit into an exotic and sophisticated fashion.

It is funny how the three of us has made a name in the fashion world; our pictures are all over the internet as best dressing Lagos chicks. Some pages uses our faces to market their products online.

I would have preferred for us to just go and shop from my boutique, but with those girls going with me, I can’t make such mistake. They will run me dry without looking back.

I promised them 3 outfits each from any boutiques of their choice for going with me, just not my boutique.
We passed couple of boutiques and did window shopping in all; including “CELEBRITY WORLD”; I commend those guys for their nice and beautiful fashion collection.

I saw outfits that I loved inside the boutique, so we went in to shop them. All the outfits were bang, and Daniela practically loved all their designs. it took the grace of God for me to convince Daniela to select only 3.

Daniela can be highly controversial; she can afford any kind of extravagant lifestyle that she so desires, but still prefers we pay and sponsor her lifestyle.

She is a giver, and dashes us money almost every time, feed the poor and hungry, but refuses to spend her parents money on herself.

Sometimes I can’t help but feel she craves for direct and close attention and love, rather than the far away love that she can neither see, nor feel.

We shopped for an hour and 30 minutes, and that is because we found it very difficult to select 3 outfits each from the numerous numbers of goddesses in their closet.

Anastasia complained of hunger, seconded by Daniela. I knew they were going to say that in no time, just didn’t expect that it will take them time; I guess it is the magic of shopping.

“foodies”, I called them laughing out loud

Daziella #projectNigeriaWhere stories live. Discover now