part 5: Alisha Dixon- Breath Slow.

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I could hear Alisha Dixon's music titled "breath slow play loudly from my parlor.

"That is so my favourite Alisha Dixon song I shouted from the laundry room.

My laundry room is not too far from my parlor so one can hear the TV sound from there..

I left my laundry and stumbled out of my laundry room into the parlor. It's really magical how that music could still have that sweet effect on me.

I had the music on my phone and I played it all the time till my phone got stolen in the village.

It all happened in 20th march 2017 when my mom suddenly called me and told me that I needed to come back home that she was very ill. I left my shop in the supervision of my sales girl, Gabriella

" Anastasia and Daniella were out with there boyfriends probably partying and there phones were on silent so I left without informing them.

"When I got home, I saw my mom shivering. The doctor said she had pneumonia so I had to stay back for few weeks before going back to Lagos.

I received a call on my phone, and so I checked the screen of my phone and realised that it was Anastasia, and i picked it up.

" hey girl she said

"Tried reaching you guys but your phones were both on silent so I guessed you were with your boyfriends" I told her

"I went to your house and you weren't at home; I then called your sales girl and she told me that you travelled to the village" is everything okay with your people, she asked

"Mom is sick" I told her

"Ooh sorry", "so how is she now" she asked

"The doctor is treating her now, I told her.

"She when will be okay" Anna prayed.

" so when are you coming back" she asked me

"Probably in two weeks time" I told her

" what about Danny, I asked

"In the kitchen preparing something delicious" she answered

"Okay, let me go check up on mom, I told her.

"Okay but get that your home pear when coming back okay?" Danny told me

" it's march so I won't be able to get any now, but I will tell my mom to get us some when it ripe okay

Eeeeem, okay no problem; just get fruits when coming that is final.

"Okay foodie, I have heard you

We will speak later I told them and hung up the phone

" crazy girls.....when will they ever grow, I said to myself and smiled.

I slipped the phone into my pocket and went to buy something outside my house

When I got back home I prepared what to cook with. I didn't remember my phone till 6:00 pm when I wanted to call Gabriella to know how business was doing but I did not see my phone again. I went round the house and the place I went to buy the food stuff but I didn't see it. I called it and it was switched off.

It was then that I realised that it has been stolen by the one who needs it better than I did.

Two weeks later my mom got better and I went back home with lots of our sweet mango.

I got a new phone as soon as I got back to Lagos but didn't have the time to download the song or rather didn't remember to.

Back to Alisha Dixon's song - breath slow.

I was carried away by the sweet melody, I danced as I have never before. I sang the song along with the singer and guess what? My friends were surprised to see that side of me.

"Yes they called me crazy when they couldn't stop me from listening to that song before my phone got stolen

Gosh the song ve got some power over me, I thought as my heart beat went above normal. I felt alive.

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