I know who that was..

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Glatt POV:

I ran back to the area that Ghostbur and Puffy was.

"You saw that right?" Ghostbur asked me I looked at him with confusion and looked back at L'manberg then to Puffy.

"Saw what?" I asked Ghostbur and Puffy they just looked at me with shock, friend stood up and walked towards me.

"There was..."

"A certian person up above you" Puffy cut off Ghostbur looking and pointing at the path that Ghostbur had made.

"Who!?" I instantly replied my eyes widened looking at where Puffy was pointing. She placed her pirate hat back on her head and knelt down to stroke friend trying to indicate that Ghostbur should try and explain

"Well.." Ghostbur began and my head instantly looked at him I sighed waiting for an answer

"Well!?" I repeated, all he done was stare down.

"It was Tubbo. But not Tubbo" Ghostbur tried to explain but it didn't seem to come put right. My face plummeted just staring at the two.

"Sam fucking took Tubbo.." I growled punching My fist into my hand prepared to punch a fucker.

"Well not Tubbo.." Puffy began turning me around to look at the direction Sam's house was in.

"Ghost Tubbo.." She finished. I turned around suddenly my ears suddenly perked up in shock.

"What.." I asked and felt a fluffy thing brush agianst my leg. I looked down noticing friend there.

"He's dead.." Ghostbur explained.

𝙡 𝘧r𝙤𝐳e... 𝐇𝒆'𝔰 de𝗮𝑑...𝛮ჿ..

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