The Bridge and Me

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And there I was...
Standing on that bridge again.
I didn't say goodbye to someone...
Because there's no one that cares enough to miss me...
So I stood there, mentally broken and ready to jump.
I thought about my little life.
The moments were I realized that no one cares 'bout me.
I was always the one that made sure everyone was feeling great.
I was always the one that asked how everyone was and how their day was.
But no one ever asked me back...
No one cared enough to ask how my day was. Of course they didn't care...
I mean look at me...
Who would possibly care about something like me?
I don't even care about myself.
Why do I expect others to care?
And then I jumped.

Well,first one I guess
Hope you like it :)
This book will contain little stories and thoughts that come to my mind, here will be mostly sad stuff I think but probably also a bit of fluff or stuff like that :)
Feel loved and enjoy your life as long as you can
Don't forget to eat and drink and here, some happiness *gives happiness*
Love you <3

Thoughts when I feel lonelyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora