You left...

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Hello. This is about an experience I just had with someone. I'll not write any names but if this person is reading this. Well, you're gonna know a lot about my thoughts about you and yea.
Sooo, let's start.

You left. Without saying anything. Without telling me what's wrong.
Now, after so long, you tell me that you trust people to fast? You know what that feels like to me? I trusted you too. And I got hurt again. That's not the first time something like that happening.
People I think I can call friends just leaving me.
But this time hurt. It really did fucking hurt. A lot.
I missed. And I still miss you.
But I don't thing that I can forgive you. Not that fast at least. I don't know if I'll ever forgive you. I'll probably will cause you know. You're not the only one that trust people fast.
You were not the only one in this thing that I thought I could call "friendship".
I really thought you were my friend.
But turns out I'm still stupid enough to trust anyone and then get hurt again.
Yes I am angry. But can you blame me? You didn't say anything. Nothing. You just didn't say anything at all.
You could've said something. Just a simple "Something happened and I'll stop texting you." would've been enough.
But I just say silence. Absolutely nothing. From one night to the other.
You just went silent and now you're coming and telling me what happened. You know what I went through while you were gone?
No. You don't. I was breaking down. After you just stopped texting I was laying in bed every single night. Thinking what I did wrong. Being scared of everyone leaving me. I was scared and I still am. I'm so incredibly scared that everyone I now want to call friend is going to leave me. Like you did.
Like so many people did.
I really can't take it.
And even though I know it's not my fault I'm gonna say sorry. Cause that's just how i am. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I was so annoying. And I understand why you didn't text me. I just wish you did.
But I'm sorry.


Thoughts when I feel lonelyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora