Important Message (not that sad)

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Hello, this message goes to 4 humans that have been helping me so much and I still can't believe that I had that much luck finding them. So, here we go. Message to watties my beloved
Dear watties,
Just a few weeks after we started texting I already felt so safe and excepted with you. In just a few weeks or days you all managed to earn a special place in my heart and ever since then you haven't left. You all know me better then anyone else. Even my parents or my siblings don't know me as good as you all know me. And to quote Tubbo :"I'm so sick of people" but I could really never get sick of you. You have been there for me in my darkest times, you have been there for me in my brightest times, you have been there for me when I fell in love, you have been there for me when I had problems and you have been there for me when no one else was. I have told you things I thought I could never say because people would laugh at me. But you showed me that there's nothing I can't say because others wouldn't agree.
And you know how bad I am at writing down or saying my thoughts but I know that no matter how much shit I'm saying you still understand me.
You are making me smile when I thought that I could never smile ever again
So thank you <3
Thank you for everything you've done for me <3
There are no words to describe how much I love all of you and how much I want to thank you.
I hope that one day we can all meet and if there is this one day I'm really looking forward to it <3
Love you all <3
Drink and eat something please and don't listen to those stupid morons in your schools, you're perfect just the way you are <3

Kado :)

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